Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Indiefied-Algebra Blessett's 'Purpose'

February 26 seems to be a popular release date for artists in 2008, but the creme rising to the top comes from the grassier roots bringing inspiration that rises above the usual themes for your conscious growth. One of the albums dropping today is a long anticipated effort coming from Algebra Blessett.

From what's been offered promotionally so far, Algebra's not playing with us. The Kwame produced single Run and Hide is ridiculously dope instant vintage, and comes issued as a choice of two singles Algebra is letting her fans vote on to be released as the first single.

Support Indie art (even on semi-commercial levels). It makes the world a better place.

Visit her dimension

Vote for the next single

Peep the recent
interview with Soulbounce's Butta


Eb the Celeb said...

I am so mad right now... went to bestbuy this morning to buy the album and they dont have it!

PurpleZoe said...

Peace and Welcome Sister Star ^_^

Disappointing news about Best Buy.
I usually order online. Some pre-orders arrive quickly. You can try Amazon.