Laveena Johnson: Murder or Suicide
Sign the Petition to demand reinvestigation of the facts here
Officer Jerry Dawson Given A Pass
On The Taser Kill Of A Black Teen
Officer Jerry Dawson has been found by a court
to be justified in his use of taser force on Darryl Turner who
moved towards the officer after being told to stop,
and was in turn tasered at Food Lion in Charlotte
North Carolina early this year.
Villager states:
"Goodenow said the 17-year old Turner
was shocked more than once. Yet the prosecutor claims,
"The officer used the appropriate force."
A Taser is a weapon that uses compressed
nitrogen to shoot two tethered needle-like
probes that deliver an electronic shock.
It's designed to temporarily subdue a person,
although one study found that the improper
use of Tasers has contributed to the death of
at least 11 people in North Carolina over the
past four years."
African-American Teen Urinated On
and Painted White by European-American Teens
And would you believe people
from the hometown of the attackers
are defending their actions because
they feel the Black Teen was a 'troublemaker'?
...Always an excuse.
Dallas South Blog:
Choctaw Chickasaw Freedman
&The Treaty of 1866
Little known fact-
Indian Slaveholders (who were mostly
of European descent by that time) did not free
their slaves and grant them
citizenship immediately when
the Emancipation Proclamation was
was issued. Further, the Chickasaw
held out stubbornly when many Indian
slaveholders finally conceded...
Taser Victim Darryl Turner's
Autopsy Report: No Drugs
As it turns out, Darryl Turner's death
was caused by the shock and voltage
of the taser. Officially his death was caused
by Acute Ventricular Dysrhythmia and
Ventricular fibrillation.
The teen's heart could not take the trauma.
(Reminder)Tasered To Death: James Garland
Force continuum anyone? How about usingit to subdue with tasers as you are required to officers?
Since when does a naked man with a shirt in his
hand require death by a surge of electric volts
through the body?

Tasered Pregnant Women: Not Guilty
Officer Michael Wilmer has been fired, and his victim,
a pregnant women, Valreca Redden
who was tasered by the 'officer' has been absolved of
guilt (she refused to leave the station where
she had come to ask questions about her child when the
'officer' decided to use a taser on her).
Dr. Boyce Watkins Speaks
On Fox News Scandal
Related Commentary:
Thanks for the link to my interview. I hope to have some news on this front before the Blogging While Brown Conference. This is a story that needs to be told.
Peace Shawn ^_^
Thankyou for taking action on this and spreading the word. It's definitely an important story, and one that probably wouldn't get the attention it deserves were it not for Indiemedia like Dallas South Blog.
Continue to Shine Brothah Williams
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