Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Have you called in for Jason Vassell?


Summary of my Call-in to the Districe Attorney responsible for the travesty of justice in the case of Jason Vassell:

(From a comment left on JusticeforJason.org) I called and was directed to voicemail where I detailed that I am appalled the victim of a hate crime, who defended himself is being charged at all, let alone more excessively than the one assailant of the two who actually received a slap on the hand.
An exemplary student with no prior record, who had every right to defend himself should not be brought up on charges. This is obviously racial targeting and in a time when our Commander in Chief is an African American, it's truly about moving forward and beyond this mentality.
I made it clear I will continue to stand in support and will be spreading the word.

Thankyou for making this Call-in day possible.
When's the next one?

What did you say in your Call-in?

Call in information is available here:

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