Thursday, December 24, 2009

'Wonderdark ARV's are served <3,' says a HighMinder in a recent interview.

Dazjae Zoem’s Wonderdark: The Awakening of Zuza releases in ARV-edition for advance reviewers the last week of December. We’re telling you first, dear readers, which means you get initial dibs on either a digital or print review copy. By requesting to sign on as a beta-reader, you pledge to provide an honest review of your experience reading Wonderdark.  The story: Zuza isn’t exactly an adventurous kind of girl. Her idea of a wild night involves a sketch pad, or loaner book from Loomcity’s library. She rarely peeks her head out from under the comfort of her rock, even at the pleading of her closest friend Jaivyn, but there’s more to life than sketches and books, and dangerous though the near future may be for her, it will introduce her to a light she didn’t know she possessed, and teach her how to trust others gifted in similarly extra-sensory ways… An excellent YA-read celebrating underrepresented indie culture, plant-eater ethos, and the brilliance of intentional dreaming. Genre: Fantasy with Faery/Steampunk elements  How to request your review copy: Drop us a note: including either the email address you wish to have the digital review copy sent to, or the physical mailing address/po box the print copy should be mailed to. If you’re selected as a reviewer, your copy will be sent out the last week of December, and should arrive before the New Year if you’re located in the US.

Dec 24, 2006— Loomcity, Zambarau

‘In a city where underrepresented subcultures like veganism, indie art, steam ethos, and afropunk reign supreme, an even more unlikely underground—or more appropriately, overground— exists that Zuza Ilanga doesn’t trust, but eventually has no choice but to if she’s to find out what she really is and protect her family from the stuff of ‘Make-believe’—including fairytale characters’ spying on their readers—and the ‘makers’ harboring independent designs.

Can a bookish introvert with an aversion to 'nonsense' take the blinders off long enough to accept aspects of herself she’d rather deny, and make the necessary connection with her inner heru (hero) that the dangers surrounding her call out for?’

So reads the small bit of information being released from the Loomcity archive. As it’s crawling with bookeaters presently, there are bits we could not extend that are still lost to their digestive tracts. Experts are waiting to recover them.

We’re advised you can contact the Highmind council to extend requests for your file-copy of the Wonderdark account of Zuza’s awakening, as it has been guarded thoroughly, and remains well intact. The council’s exact wherabouts cannot be disclosed openly, but you can submit your request, and/or comments to: and we’re told they will be forwarded to our secure location.

If you are a Minder in need of assistance, do your best to submit a message from whatever part of the Aether you’ve found yourself stuck in, and remember to stay positive. Reimagine.Reframe.Remake.

Via Contact: Amar Ajeet

Related intel

Reposted from Candy Anomaly's Otherbox.

Tags: Modern Myth Wonderdark VioletFete HueMindFantastic Lit Steampunk

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