Sunday, August 18, 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012
Long time no blog.
Through the following link, you'll find a surprise that I hope you'll enjoy. It's just a little something, but it's extended in the spirit of inspiration and the celebration of possibilities.
There's something going on with our domain forwarding at the moment, so isn't redirecting like it's meant to. I have a support ticket with my host, and fingers crossed, it'll be resolved sooner than later.
I hope your New Year is a bright and resolute one.
2012 has been... real.
Shine on Lightbeams.
I'll be poking my head in as time allows.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
I sincerely apologize for my extended absence. There've been a lot of upsets, tears, and unforeseeable road blocks in my family circle of late.
I've always had a tendency to manage the personal challenges that arise privately, but the past few years (the end of last year and this year most especially so far) have been tragic in several very difficult ways. Times are challenging (understatement) for most people right now, and families are in positions where they absolutely have to pull together.
I pride myself on follow-through and timeliness, but I've learned. You can only guarantee what you have control over.
I'm taking over the care of my elderly father, but I am still pushing forward with the projects on the table. There have been and will be delays, but the 2nd Black Faery anthology is progressing along with more projects aimed at proper representation of underrepresented peoples.
I'll continue to persevere. I don't discourage easily, but I'm pretty much running UU/Purple Mag on my own. Current family demands have been serious enough to demand first place. Some of you know the trauma my son underwent several months back and the state my father's in. It's been an agonizing 2012 thus far (no exaggeration), but we're handling it (heart ache and obstructions in the path or not). My family and I will get through this cycle. Hardships have an end...
The next issue of Purple Mag won't likely be released until after the digital version of the Black Faery Antho (part deux) publishes. I'll be posting updates and sneak peaks of sketches and the content therein on the tumblr.
As always, the antho project is family-friendly. There's more adult-focused content in our youth's hands than their should be. It's on us to give them alternatives that are worth their light. It's time the majority of us stepped up. Period. The more of us that focus, the less challenges will be able to set back our underrepresented media. There need to be more of us (sans the crabs-in-a-barrel nonsense and profit-obsession... money helps in this society, but we can still get a lot done with the little we do have, especially when we work in numbers with opensource tools and bartering).
Shine bright *-*
More light to come.
Thank you for your patience.
I appreciate the well-wishes and good vibes that have come from the well-meaning souls I've had the honor to connect with. You are rare and beautiful. We need more heart-focused people standing for the underrepresented community. Thank you for being examples that counter the implanted self-hating, stereotypical drivel the cogs in the mainstream machine impose upon our minds like their lives depend on it... We'll rise regardless, despite appearances.
Friday, January 27, 2012
For The 27th: Master Offgrid Living
...or at least learn how to produce your own essentials. We're not powerless. It's time we realize this. Post with gratis download of recipes/DIY formulas, nutrient info, etc.
Happy 2012 & Boundless love.
p.s. I'm doing a lot of bespoke writing at the moment to keep food lining the cupboards and whatnot. Things are moving behind the scenes. They should return to the front of the scene by March (if Murphy's Law is done with me by then *-^). You're loved and appreciated.
Shine Bright
-PZ a.k.a Daz
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Am I Not Human: Get Free

Over the years, the Am I Not Human campaign has sought to raise awareness of human rights abuses with a monthly commitment on the 27th to take action (usually through blogging). With the uncertainty of western freedoms and bills like NDAA and SOPA, the writing on the wall is now appearing in neon ink: We have no choice but to stand and Get Free.
Now is the time to gain independence, prepare and support like-souls in off-grid, independent living and merchantry. Information abounds. Acquire as much of it as you can. Even wikipedia can be downloaded (seriously, look up the link on their site).
I've blogged monthly even after the initial Roots Of Humanity group fell away, but I will now be raising awareness on the 27th beyond the blog. Posts may appear here from time to time to update on issues and actions that can be taken, but you can find more information at Ultraviolet Underground on a regular basis. I do not plan to blog every 27th day of each month any longer. It was hoped a good deal of progress could be made with the blogging aspect of the 'Am I Not Human' campaign, but it has been fairly slow to catch on. I thank all of you who read and participate. The goal now is to focus on potential book and zine projects that can raise awareness hopefully with more efficacy. Updates will be posted about the direction the campaign will take in terms of zines or zine columns and events or days of group action.
I hope everyone knows how serious the importance is to get mentally prepared and seek alternative news outlets. "Program" yourself rather than tune into mainstream programs. Your mind is precious. Care for it. Know who your dollars support (google the companies who make your products and see how they treat the workers and the earth - look them up in the green pages or only shop with transparent, ethical, green merchants). You have power. It's in your focus : your choice.
I'll continue to uphold a focus on human rights on the 27th every month in varying forms as an alternative to blogging (art pieces, events, etc). I hope you will too.
On behalf of us all, I ask:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
We Must Take Action: Eradicate S.1867
The cowardly would-be controllers have attempted to sneak in a bill again. This one would place everyone in danger based on governmental whims: It's called S.1867, a supposed National Defense Authorization Act. It would allow military to pick up citizens at home and abroad without reason and hold them indefinitely without trial.
Your voice is needed. It cannot wait:
You can also call: 202-224-3121 to additionally communicate your opposition to this unconstitutional bill to your Senator.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Am I Not Human: Don't Feed The Monsters
Whether or not the Occupy movement was initially "seeded" to create conditions that would justify the shadow government and its puppet goverment(s) to attempt martial law, it is changing the international conversation to a focus that can produce an evolution of the condition of the 99 percent from perceived powerlessness and apathy to one of solution and autonomic action. It's making it clear to people of all economic positions that feeding corporate monsters is killing the planet and its inhabitants. If we're to improve our condition, we should have indie merchants on speed dial, and establish bartering systems that can sustain us through these times of transition out of the dungeon of the grotesque-mind as we return to humanity.
In essence, we can't feed the monsters if we expect change. They'll change nothing but the positions of the actors (entertainers, politicians, and whoever else picks lint from their pockets) and props in their international puppet show, but the script will remain the same in their hands. Will it be easy to green ourselves and distance ourselves from the flashing lights and hollow-promises issued from our hypno-boxes and spin-papers? It will be psychologically difficult for some more than others, but starting even with the smallest steps creates actual change.
Here are some ways to make the transition easier:
-Get familiar with DIY alternatives
('Making Your Own' supplies and culinary and hygiene staples cuts puppet strings)
Microcosm publishing (among others) can help.
-Support Indie
(Indie artists, Merchants, and Opensource technology abounds. We've had solutions for quite some time now...)
-Share Information
Movements like Occupy the dollar are ingenious and encourage a departure from the hoarding rat race through the return of shared valuables like: education (even in bits).
I plan to update the Indie list with more resources. If you know of some sparkling ones, your suggestions are welcome in the comments.
On behalf of, and as one of, the 99%, I ask:

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Remember The 5th Of November
Much respect and love to the legions of freedom fighters around the world occupying their hearts.
#BankTransferDay is win.
Monday, October 31, 2011
...80 Years Later.
I've been working on several splendors from the the seat of a fierce rollercoaster, but there's a flow, despite interruptions. Your patience is most appreciated while everything is prepared. There will be a delay (and potential restructuring) with the next Purple Mag issue. More intel on that as it's available. The 2nd Black Faery anthology is also still in the works (the potential cover below appeared in The Curious Bazaar section of Purple#10), but an unreal amount of obstacles have continued to cause delays (with increased intensity this year on several fronts...). I appreciate the love and well-wishes that have been extended. They mean a lot. All will balance out eventually. These are times of change affecting everyone.
At the least, I'll be endeavoring to post a link round-up when time doesn't permit full posts. The following delights should inspire a nice degree of heartglow for the moment:
BoldAsLove fest highlights
Toys For Indigos
Fairtrade Chocolate: Theo
Mos Def drops a few new gems *-*
Immortal Technique's Gratis EP: The Martyr
Raw Phoenix: November 2011 Energies
More to come (including 'Cooking With Stardust').
Submission inquiries for the 2nd Black Faery Anthology (draft of potential cvr image below): CandyAnomaly at or purplemag at

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Am I Not Human: Occupy Your Heart
image: Occupy ATL
Too corny? It shouldn't be. For this month's focus, I'm going to keep the Am I Not Human post short and centered. I'm placing the emphasis on centeredness because, that's what we're all lacking. Even as the masses wriggle, shout, and march, we need to look at what aspects of this beast of a western system that we support and how we can discontinue it.
We all have to eat, but our blood, sweat, and tears (at least for many of us) benefit a system that won't think twice about taking out a village of innocents or installing a fake dictator it controls like a puppet until it doesn't need him anymore. Until we can gather the resolve to develop real bartering systems, communities that are sustainable, and the will to fight a very evil giant with our own steel wills, our protests may well lack the center (power) they need.
What we're missing, is our rootedness. We can ask for and demand justice, but we can also build our own community with the many alternative resources available to us. So long as we provide the fuel and consume its products, this system is unlikely to truly hear anything we have to say. It ignored the masses, the pope, the previous execution staff, and the ex- fbi director of the Reagan administration to kill the obviously innocent Troy Davis (to cover up God knows what). It has entirely too much of our power and energy in its grasp.
On behalf of us all I ask us all:
And if so, will we demand through action as well as word to be treated as such?
Shine bright and march on (with focus).