Pardon the mini chaos, we're currently revamping the site for a much more efficient layout.
Issues are currently being added to Issuu.
Scroll down for issue information or check the Issuu dimension directly for available copies. Older issues are available upon request via:
Most recent submission guidelines (simplified) are available here and in issues 9 and 9.5.
* _ *

Huemind Fantastic (Tumblr link here)/Consciousink (Link below)

Conscious Ink.
Click for ConsciousInk Diverse Literature finds, updates. Scroll to the bottom of this page for links to other sites keeping track of diverse literature and arts.
note: If the search is glitchy and doesn't bring up all post you can click on any ConsciousInk post labels to visit:
Help add to our growing Diverse Spec list Here.
Visit the CandyAnamoly satellite here.
Peace & Alternate Salutations *_*

Submission guidelines are here.
Complimentary downloads are below.
To contact staff email: post a message with your return email included @ (please allow at least 7 days --usually much less-- for response)
Complimentary downloads are below.
To contact staff email: post a message with your return email included @ (please allow at least 7 days --usually much less-- for response)
The Current Call is for The Bloom Issue (third in the dream identity series): Dream identity [personal archetypes]
email purplemag at for auto-response links, and Issue 9 for updated guidelines. We're embracing your modern mythic interpretations, flash fiction and flash non-fiction for this issue [use of innuendo is favored where adult subjects are concerned out of respect for teen readers]. Share your vision of the sprouting of leaf and/or petal from dreamseed. Celebrate favored underrepresented archetypes. Send us your 1-2 page Q&A's with folks you feel share the wisdom of what it is to 'Bloom'.
Play dress-up and take pictures. Show us evidence of your dream manifesting, and be on the look out for serious gems.
Until site upgrades take place you can enjoy the Grassroots goodness of Purple downloads here in our digital dimension, Ultraviolet Underground. Check back for updates and downloads of future issues, mixtapes, compilations and related Purple goods. Click the images of the magazines, mixtapes and compilations below to download them.Download Update: So... apparently Sendspace links expire fairly quickly, and as I'm involved in significant multitasking, here's what I've done to make the mags available again. Issues 6, 7, 8 and 9 have been uploaded to's Still have to upload issue 7.5 celebrating URBALT, as well. We will send out a .zip file with issues 3-9 including the compilation&mixtape) via sendspace if its requested via energymail purplemag at (its a temp download link that does delete, making acting quickly once its received, advisable). Otherwise, check back until you no longer see this update message and download at will, or... wait until the Best of issue(s).
Carry on *_*
Issue 8:The Make Yourself Issue is here.
Description (Print)
Download Gratis Now.
Download updated typo-amended version now.
Description (Print)
Download Gratis Now.
Download updated typo-amended version now.
Issue 7: Click the image for download.
Click the black daisy ~~~~* to purchase
the current print issue (note: We're seeking more
affordable printers, and appreciate your patience)
Click the black daisy ~~~~* to purchase
the current print issue (note: We're seeking more
affordable printers, and appreciate your patience)
Issue 7.5
The extra Out-of-box celebratory issue feat: Urb Alt
Click the cover for current download/print info.

Issue 6 (Fall/Winter 08): Make your own Myths
Click the image for the intel
and download entry.

Issue 5 (Spring/Summer 08):
The Green Issue
Click the image to download The Green Issue.

The Print version of The Green Issue is available through
All future issues will be available as a free .pdf or in print through Amazon (just put -Purple Magazine- in search at Amazon to find it).
We don't currently make a cent from purchases through Amazon, to keep the price as low as we can with the current printer.
EarthDay Eve 'Deep Green Blur' Mixtape courtesy of PZ

Click to download
Download the Bag of Stardust Compilation

Issue 4 (Fall/Winter):
Modern Myth
Click image to download

Enter the visual code next to the download button on the page through the link (should be about three letters or digits), to begin.
Issue 3:
The Roots of Things
Clock image to download.

In this issue:
Imani Coppola---
Shania D.---
The Orphic---
Musical Activism---
Corporate Cultural Sabotage---
A call for solidarity
The print quality of our Lulu is questionable and Purple Magazine is currently looking for a better print on demand option that won't cause the staff to engage in print runs. Our first issue is currently available via Amazon in print but the price is inflated because it is printed through Lulu. We are currently working on making archives and newer issues available through a much more affordable option and hope to have this set by Fall '09 (with at least issues 6, and 7, available from print archives by that time). Our small staff gives much thx for your patience. You can download issues for free and print them for personal use [not for commercial use] if you wish.
You can find downloads of earlier issues at as well, but we have to re-work some layout issues with issue 2 before it's made available again. You can download it at Lulu for now but no print issue is available.
"Issues 1 and 2 will be re-added for download in the future. There was a formatting problem with issue#2 but we have the reworking of the issue in the plans."

Black Science Fiction Society
ComeBien Books (Accepting submissions)
Black Eyed Susan
The Bottom of Heaven
Expanded Horizons (Spec Lit section)
Beyond Victoriana
Speculative Fiction Directory
Recently Launched and Calling All Black/Multicultural
Faery Whisperers: Black Faery Collective-[Satellite]
Sword and Soul [Media Group]
Know of others?
Please drop links in the comments *_^
Click the ConsciousInk Category-Brick at the top of this entry to read excerpts and the other works of Dazjae Zoem.
If you're thinking the inkfaeries deserve a boon of some sort, or wish to donate to the magazine maintenance fund, you can do so by clicking here:
You might find a thankyou gift or thankyou gift options to choose from in your email. The inkfae are sentimental like that.

1 comment:
This blog is amazing! A new age feast of multicultural dishes, and resolutions.Go head Sister
PurpleZoe :)
Sister Moon (Valjeanne Jeffers)
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