Peace fly greenies ^_^
In the New Year there will be some changes in the plans at UltravioletUnderground, including a schedule that will follow the internal lunar calendar (mood), rather than a strict daily scheduling. This isn't to say it won't be daily at times, or in bursts, but in the interest of providing content that remains true to the underground, and green vibe, we're following the logic of posting new gems as they are discovered, created, and meant.
The new schedule will leave room for more robust issues of Purple Magazine to be penned and compiled, as well as zines/comics/Eshe books (there are a few already in mind *_*) that may appear both as inserts in Purple Mag and independently. If you're a zinemaker standing in the appreciation of diversity, definitely drop us a line:
You are all absolutely appreciated, and in this, we're seeking to extend gifting moments and such in the '09. The mixtapes will come as the right indie music for them appears (which is why we gave no set date for a winter compilation/mix- not enough submissions), and we're still brainstorming our UU budding genius awards.
You can sign up in the sidebar to recieve notice of our contact in your mail when a UU post emerges, and you can be sure there will be a post each month on the 27th for the 'Am I Not Human Campaign'.
If you want to kick it, or drop a few suggestions we can be reached through:
purplemag at
We hope your dreamvision is bright, positive and effective in the New Year.
PZ's resolution? It's time for a sistah to embrace expansion and the beauty that comes of it (My resolution in '08 was to expand my veg recipes--- A success that's really been a blessing to the household--- Now to be a blessing to the community in a more expansive sense in the embrace of new resources and skill building *_*).
Q's resolution? Top secret confidential.
Stay on the path that leads to your brightest goals. Be both vigilant and flexible.

Excited about The Purple Magazine,
sounds awesome and can't wait
to download, though I'd rather
have a print mag in my hot little
Peace Cynthia *_^
Thanks for stopping through.
You can obtain a print copy through Amazon (Search Purple Magazine or PurpleZoe), but it is a bit costly as its through print on demand.
Let us know what you think of the .pdf version, if so inclined.
Shine on
love . it. lunar moon truth
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