Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lunewing is served * _ *

The full Lunewing is available for public viewing, after a brief period of private viewing for contributors, here:

Calls for second installment submissions are planned to be announced in the summer months when the contributors decide on the non-profits that will receive proceeds, and the print edition release date is announced.

Enjoy tales that empower children facing abuse, the need for unity and the call for an end to oneupmanship in community, the importance of generational forgiveness, the safety of our children, and more empowering, and healing themes that course through the majestic-hearted tales in this anthology. You can visit also the HuemindFantastic and BlackFaery tumblrs for updates and downloadable papercraft boons in the interim while the network is under construction.

Editorial Error: A rather large editorial error, with the title of Milton Davis' 'Bigger' has been corrected in the online-read edition. The oversight has been corrected for future download-review, contributor, and print versions. Thankyou for your patience, and sincerest apologies, Sir Milton.

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