It is likely you are already familiar with this case. And this means you may have already signed the petition more than once. You're being asked to signed it again now, alongside the many of us who believe this man is innocent and are standing to disallow him to be sacrificed and put to death without evidence or justifiable cause. There is no evidence linking this man to murder. Police have coerced witnesses in this case. These same witnesses have advised they were forced to give false testimony. Has internal affairs even bothered to investigate the officers who are dishonoring their badges this way?
Where is the justice there? How can so much energy be placed on trying to put an innocent man to death, when it is obvious there is cleanup that needs to take place in a department, where there are officers who dishonor the law they claim to serve, by coercing testimonies in their 'favor'? What are we missing here? What happened behind the scenes we're not being told about that would motivate officers to force untruths out of people and claim they are witnesses? If we don't stand against corruption in the 'justice' system, who will?
Color of Change recently advised:
"The state of Georgia is moving to put Troy Davis to death despite major doubts about his guilt. All but two of the state’s non-police witnesses from the trial have recanted their testimony — and many have sworn in affidavits that police pressured or coerced them into testifying or signing statements.
There is still serious doubt as to Troy Davis’ guilt, and by putting him to death Georgia runs the risk of killing an innocent man. Please call on the board to save Troy Davis’ life. And tell others about this -- Troy Davis needs as many of us as possible to speak up. "
The below video was filmed several years ago, and is unfortunately the same message we find we have to deliver today (he should have been freed long ago). Troy Davis is an innocent man. That matters. Free him.
Please take a moment to add your signature in a stand for justice here. A flood of voices communicates our non-compliance with corruption in our civil system. Thankyou.
On behalf of Troy Davis and the others the system has attempted to sacrifice despite their innocence, I ask:

note: Participants of Sunday Mass Meditation, there's now a link to an accompanying .mp3 you can use if you find it easier to work with guided meditation. Thankyou for all of the positive energy you're raising. It makes a difference. Shine bright.