This moon's voice makes no sense. The samples I've heard conjure a sexy, gritty vintage blues rock sound, over which her voice in its husky, magnanimously soulful kittenish roaring and skillful purr struts the etheric room in sonic 4 inch heeled maryjanes.
This femmie is a star.
Visit her in the den of rebels
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saidah Baba Talibah- The Phone Demos
Am I Not Human: Taser Justice

The Blogging day on December 4 demanding Taser Justice is timely, and direly needed. The first day of blogging event opened alot of eyes, but there are more minds that need to be aware of the serious lows taser abuses plummet to on what appears to be a regular basis.
The amounts of murders by taser over the past few years and this year alone is astounding. Calls for congressional hearings have been made in the Afrosphere, and we're still waiting. Can we trust officers to stand for justice or is the overwhelming majority of law enforcement intent on killing with unnecessary deadly force? Aren't officers subjected to Mental Health screenings before they're given positions? And if yes, how is it possible so many have taken blood-thirsty action against innocent citizens?
There are a few actions we can currently take. Please visit the information beyond the links to see which you're able to lend energy to:
Sign the petition demanding a congressional investigation into Taser Torture
Join the March for Dignity (to protest the non-punishment decision of Police renegade Stephanie Phillips who murdered Michael Jacobs. A march for 10,000 people is being called and organized.
Join the December 4th Day of Blogging for Taser Justice.
Reviewed: Idle Warship- Party Robot

warning: Not for the kids.
Idle Warship's full-length debut' Party Robot brings synth-kissed neon-electro speakerpunk, with nods to mood heavy 80's-reminiscent siren stylings, the etheric grace of boombastic involuntary head-nod conjure, and system rebooting 'electro-gangsta'.
Easily classified as perfection on this LP are:
Trk 6: Try it on'.
Trk 7: The title track 'Party Robot', is infused w/hypnotic-bass, beats are alive on this joint. Alive.
Trk 8: 'The Warship'
Trk 9: Fyah- Graph Nobel
Soundtrack to a punk romance. Graph spreads her wings with this one. She's her best here.
Trk 10: World on Wheels feat. Saul Williams
is an etheric intoxicant that should come with a warning label. I love, love love this song, and will play it until I can play in my head, at will.
Trk 11: Girls of the Dancefloor Remix
is sexy, clublicious (as alot of the album tracks are), and will also remain on the playlist.
Party Robot is a beautiful oddity. I agree, it doesn't need a genre.
If you needed this review, because you haven't listened to it yet, download here, and
Enjoy the Heartglow Induction.

"Idle Warship welcomes you to our first full length offering, Party
Robot. This started out as a path to musical freedom. When we
established Idle Warship, we did it for us. Now that we are giving you
this music, Idle Warship no longer belongs to us, it belongs to the
world. We don't believe in labels for music. Labels make stop you from
hearing something before you listen to it. We appreciate those who
have taken this journey with us without judgement and enjoyed the
ride. To everyone who purchased our music on itunes and anyone who has
bought a ticket to an Idle Warship show, this is for you. All my party
robots stand up!"
-Idle Warship
Monday, October 26, 2009
Blessings 'pon the GreenPeople.

Enjoy delicious gems from the mindgardens of lovely greenmen of Motherland-root.
in the lab w/ Veg Pizza
Vegan Hood
Extreme Props to Safari Black for the activism and intel.
Legendary Ladies Trading Cards
Intent to knock out stereotypes by simply being oneself, Superhussy media whose documentary exploring what it is to be a Black woman releases early 2010, has stocked trading cards featuring a League of Extraordinary ladies.
Click the image to get yours. Contact her to applaud her fabulousness.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
SuperSelf-making 101 *_^ Issue 8 has arrived.
The 'Twigs and Berries' typo-amended update can be downloaded here.
Click here or visit the mag listing page.

Update: Please Read regarding Print Issue 8.
Read on below to acquire the digital version.
Peace Starlings ^_^
Issue 8 (technically issue 9 if you include the half-sized Out-of-box issue 7.5), the first in the Dream Definition series, has finally arrived. It gave layout-issues like no other before it, but it was worth the difficult birth, from which the layout faeries are still recovering. Intent on reminding us of the importance of creating your path as opposed to letting it happen to you, the dream definition issue focusing on heart-fueled identity is glowing with metaheart light. The feisty brainchild includes Modern Myth by Tonya Moore, Valjeanne Jeffers and Dazjae Zoem, lovely talks with Aqua Islanders Startist and Bacchanal, Samax Amen, Robert Trujillo, Corinne Stevie! (painter of the cover image and femcee extraordinaire), and Valjeanne Jeffers to name a few of the gems.
Download here, and check back for the print link in this description's update within 2 weeks.
note: We're testing out a new printer who, if all works out, will have issues available as low as 6- 8 beans an issue vs. Lulu's insanity which is usually 17 beans an issue with no mark-up... If we have to use Lulu, we will, but we are steadily looking for the best alternative to stick with for the long haul. Your patience is appreciated. We've tried a few printers that just didn't work out, but we're not giving up, and this new one looks veddy promising.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Fire in the dark
Serious work is underway in the lab. Of that work, one of the projects that took up a good portion of the month releases tomorrow (see sidebar) ^_^
Pardon the sparse posting. You still mad? Because I've come bearing a gift. Visiting Bold as Love, I found out the 'Fire in the dark' compilation Monsieur Field's been working released this month. Yay! It's complimentary and fiercely worth the time (as it includes MilkPlus, Tamar Kali, California King, and a host of other sonic titans). Click the album cover below to visit the site for download details.
But that's not all, Sir Fields has posed a solid raising of awareness at Huffington Post regarding Damon Dash's BlacROC effort containing not a one rocker of color. It's a shame, with all of the buzz the Other Black Experience movement's been receiving, that it doesn't even receive a mention in the BlacROC promo, let alone invite to participation. Rob elaborates on why Damon should have given his move at getting back into industry limelight, more thought. It's a good piece. Share your thoughts with him after you check the article.
And finally, this year's AAAMC event at Indiana university is focusing 'pon Black rock, with a gorgeous lineup including Tamar Kali, Kamara Thomas and James Spooner to name a few. Click the flyer for details about the event which spans November 13-14.
Shine on lovelies ^_^
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Tao of Wu
Rza's been a student of Eastern spiritual disciplines for years, dropping gems here and there for those of us listening. He's always been one you'd want to kick it with about the recurring principles in varying schools of thought, because you know he doesn't approach it sideways, or in vain. He's serious about the sciences he commits his mind to. You know he's got a wealth of knowledge and perspectives few have approached higher-level thought from. Fortunately, he's sharing some of those gems now in a recent release, The Tao of Wu. Click the book image to get your copy.
Props to Samax for the intel.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Indiefied: Recent Tumbling at DrinkYourLavenderSoda *_^
I heart Miss Stevie.
Click the image above to check for the new release.
Monday, October 5, 2009
William's Windmill
14 year old William Kamkwamba couldn’t find books with instructions on how to make windmills, so he worked it out with pictures of them.
Props to Compound Egret for the intel.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Conscious Ink: Dresden Codak's Hob,
The search for diversity and multi-culturality in Fantasy and good-media-in-general continues...
Here are a few recent finds:
Possibly featuring a Native American character (see update below), Clockworks is an online RPG for the Steampunk movement. Click the image to visit.
Shawn, the creator of Clockworks helped clarify the heritage of the Clockworks character, Thorton, in the comments:
"Thorton (the possibly Native American character) is from Irone, which has a number of influences, probably the closest would be middle/near eastern. He and his father moved to the city when he was 5. "Thorton Nickelby" wasn't his birth name, but one his father gave him upon arriving in the city."
Though it appears to be mostly Eurocentric, characters of color including the main character, a Europeanized blue-eyed Asian girl named Kimiko, are featured. The art is exceptional, and the delivery of the content is witty and fun-lovingly sci-fi. The author, Aaron Diaz a.k.a Dresden Codak, a lover of the wonderfully executed Riceboy, appears to be Euro-American.
Many thx to Gaslamp Fantasy for the intel.
Somewhat related:
One day we have to make it to the Alternative Press Expo
Participate in Pretend To Be Time Traveler Day on Dec 8