The video posted below is beyond graphic. I wouldn't recommend viewing it with a child under the age of 13 in room, as even with explanation, the developing minds in that age bracket could experience some degree of trauma. This video is that graphic. It is as real as the horrors, our Eastern siblings have faced, regardless of age.
I am not however, in disagreement with the graphic nature of the imagery in this video. In this case it is actually necessary to the point. It is truly revolutionary, as opposed to the buzz generating pseudo-depth media we've been subjected to far too often.
Some have said this vid was made without a point. I vehemently disagree. This vid was made without it's point needing to be sub-titled, or announced at the end to assist us in 'getting the point'. Instead, it requires us to think.
M.I.A- Born Free
I left the below comment @ InnyVinny's spot (and hit enter without thinking-then when I finally hit submit on-purpose I realized the pre-typo fix version had already posted). The commentary below, is a little less fragmented and shares my impression of the vid, and how it relates to the violation of human rights the West commits in a business-as-usual fashion:
[Semi-Spoilers herein]
"Kristine's assessment is spot on.
I definitely felt it was a commentary on genocide, clothed in a Euro case of racial profiling (The abuse of the Gingers might be reflecting on the abuse of the Irish, who were even labeled 'Black' at one time, believe it or not).
I think it speaks to those who may be desensitized to seeing bodies of color blown up by landmines or mulilated by schrapnel, by providing a likeness that is closer to home for the proclaimed-majority in the West.
It's a beyond clever way to speak to power, and privilege, police-state hivemind, senseless abuse of power/the frenzy-state of the power-drunk against the helpless.
I am amazed.
Folks speak of other vids recently released 'being deep', even with those that were remakes, and etc.
Nothing comes close to what M.I.A's placed before us. This is revolutionary, and I am completely unoffended by the graphic nature of the vid. The graphic nature was entirely needed to make the point.
We're so cushioned in the West, from what many of our siblings in the East suffer in horrific norms. I'm all for removing the 'softening' of media-extended realities, where reporting on human rights is concerned. It's a decade into the new millennium, and we're in at least 2 completely unnecessary wars right now. How many people even know that in this country? And of those who know, how many care?
Something has to wake the collective up..."
For those of you who make/made it through the vid, what's your impression?
On behalf of all my human siblings suffering unimaginable violations of their humanity. I ask: