Yum, ethers for a lazy Sunday entertaining electric thought. Enjoy.
Komla- Never Give Up
Brandun Deshay- Why you Gotta Zodiac Like that
(production if you didn't know, courtesy of Matt Martian)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Audiovisual Splendor- Komla, and Brandun Deshay
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Chileans, our hearts are with you.
image: Webgem via Urban Data twt
Our condolences to the families of the victims, and citizens who've lost their homes, and possessions.
Sending #Reiki/affirming high thoughts.
We've been receiving wake-up calls to be vigilant and prepared:
Dehydrate foods in your oven (with slightly cracked door on 140-170 degrees for 8-12 hours) so they can remain non-perishable. Have a few emergency packs prepared (in case you can't get to one), so you have flashlights, iodine tabs to de-contaminate drinking water, non-perishable dehydrated foods (mushrooms, onions, cabbage, kale, nuts... the greener the better-- blanching them before dehydrating helps to keep them decontaminated), thick blanket/long coats in cold climates, tents (if you're able), a copy of The Art of Shen Ku (HIGHLY recommended).
It doesn't cost alot to set aside items we might desperately need.
Spread the word.
Am I Not Human: The roots of Haitian culture versus conversion propaganda

Naomi Extra put together a writing group awhile back that has recently called for stories that raise awareness about Haitian culture. As part of my Am I Not Human campaign offering I'd like to extend more information about the roots of Haitian culture, to help dispel disinformation and encourage dialogue.
I hope you'll submit a story (here )after you view more information via the links and video provided. I plan to update the post with my tale, after it publishes with Lady Nextra, as well. Please share links to yours.
This offering is extended with the hope that we can brainstorm ways that cultural-discrimination, such as that being seen amongst missionaries who claim they will not likely continue to give aid to Haitian Vodou practioners (forced conversion, anyone? How charitable...), can be thwarted utterly. Your ideas for solutions are most welcome in the comments or in your own blog posts that we can visit through the links you extend.
Haiti liberated and Rescued Other Nations
(One of the most underknown forces that impacted the end of slavery when it liberated itself as an independent nation)
Until Haiti spoke, the church was silent, and the pulpit was dumb. Slave-traders lived and slave-traders died." - Excerpts from Frederick Douglass
Wyclef speaks to Haitian culture about the Toussaint Film
Please continue to donate to trusted relief organizations on behalf of Haiti.
From experience I recommend MercyCorps (they update you on where the money is going).
Please share aid organizations you trust in the comments <3>
On behalf of my underrepresented human siblings in Haiti, facing threats against integral aspects of their culture, and threat of destabilization by government interference all while struggling to survive and recover from a beyond-devastating blow. I ask:

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Audiovisual Splendor: JahJah Muldrow, Fonzworth Bentley, SelahSay, Nikki Lynette, Rita J, Peekaboo Theory, Erykah Badu, Micah Gaugh, Gypsy Flesh
A few of these you've seen by now, but the HighEther's so bright it bears late posting. There are a few more recent releases by previously favored artists that are sadly... none too appetizing to the ear (not naming names) so we left them out. Enjoy *_^
note: Really been disappointed in HipHop offerings (with the exception of a golden few), 'twas a pleasant surprise to find so many femcees keeping the art... state of the art. Damn shame they're underreported.
The plan is to note all past Ether offerings from UU/Purple and create a site playlist for easeful location of the Sonic Blooms. Bear with the site re-vamp taking place slowly but surely ^_^
If we've missed indie gems you feel are evidence of the necessity of an Indiestream let it be known.
Fonzworth Bentley- Fireside Chat

Georgia Anne Muldrow- Roses

Lady Muldrow is one of the few artists, that has made my chakras react. The heartglow is literally engaged listening to her. I feel the expansion in the Anahata.
Selah Says- I Really Like You
There's something infectious about Selay Says, that caught me listening to her DIY effort, that inspired a craving in me for more. I highly you peep the Youtube channel. There are more gems. The girl is fabulous.
Nikki Lynette- Don't Say No

Rita J- No Regrets

More here, here, and here.
Peekaboo Theory- Immediate Hesitation

Erykah Badu- Jump in the air (Stay There)

Micah Gaugh- Lightskinned
note:This released awhiles back but most of y'all do't know abut this cat and should. Enjoy the clip.

Gypsy Flesh- Just Say
(This Queen's flow is proper)

Audio Splendor:
Couldn't not share these. They're audio with an image or two strictly.

SaRoc- Exhibit She
Friday, February 19, 2010
Inside issue 9: Dwayne White
Peace Heartlights
<3 style="font-weight: bold;">
Finding the Bliss Lense is the second in the Dream-Definition series, bringing the focus of how we direct our vision, to the fore. In the first Dream-Definition issue (8) 'Make Yourself', the key focus was drawn to two defining practices: Defining (what we want/want to be) and Allowing (allowing ourselves to move towards the realities we've defined for ourselves/allowing reception of our interests).
Issue 9 highlights the 3rd aspect of the process: Develop your own positive perspectives (Eliminate Hear-see...see your own reality). How better to be able to spot the buds of your beautiful internal blooms, than with a lense unclouded by earlier conditioning? How better to be able to clearly spot the opportunities your definition and allowance have embraced and attracted into your sphere of availability? If we rely on old lenses that see lack and expect no opportunity or improvement, it will be very difficult for us to manifest the dream-realities of our new determined visions.
Dwayne White is definitely one who knows a thing or two about seeing with one's own lense, rather than an inherited/conditioned one. He's graced our humble mag in this issue (check also the out-of-box issue feat. URB ALT) with images (starting on pg 36) that we feel speak volumes about his sense of adventure, and simultaneous embrace of the fantastic in what some might consider ordinary. His lense brings out the stories, the neglectful lenses of others would probably never spot.
The lovely CaliAfrican (a.k.a Beya T. Pasha) describes him this way:
With pure spontaneity, Dwayne C. White's camera lens captures life in his home town of Milwaukee. It gives us a distinctive look through his perspective and imaginative style.
His lens becomes an eye to what is often overlooked or unnoticed in our everyday lives.
His ability to identify the glory in those things, people, and places cast-aside, is remarkable and the first thing partakers notice in his work.
It's an honor to feature him.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Inside Issue 9: Etheric Grace a.k.a Black Rock Royalty
We hope you enjoy this new 'sneaks peeks' feature for our print-only preferring readers. In this particular peek, we bring to your attention Issue 9's applause for high etheric lenses.
Music has found itself at a despairingly low-level of innovation,in mainstream circles. The usual titans, who are a kind of above-ground underground even still (Badu, Mos Def, The White Stripes, etc), continue to bring etheric gems, but the under-whelming majority bring carbon copies of carbon copies of carbon copies, which offer up zero flavor and inspiration. In reality.
Purple Mag's launched the #NonEveryPersonSuperheroes hashtag/column to highlight those (among artists/artivists of all mediums) worthy of cataloging as saviors of the arts/society with their unique approaches.
Issue 9 features two in that column, and caught up with one belonging in that column as well for a Q&A.
We'll take a look at these phenoms one by one in the order they appear in the issue.
Saidah Baba Talibah blew me away when I happened upon her Afropunk page, and pressed play. The siren is nothing short of amazing. Her voice alone innovates, and her DIY approach to overstanding production challenges, sparks the heartglow fer sures (see page 24).
CaliforniaKing are true favorites. Listening to Adoration of The Boogie Bear EP, was like opening a faerytale (for adults of course). They paint the ethers with melancholic pastels, drawing us into the wakened, and in parts lamentful heart of the fantastic, bringing a necessary presence to BlackRock and Afropunk (see page 26 for more on these etheric anti-villains). Their album approaches in the warmer season *_^
Trezure the Empress, truly a candy anomaly, is a bright, beaming answer to the on-repeat lack of brilliance scratching its head wondering where it left itself. Rather than flaunt a glowing intelligence in arrogance, she shows and proves, approaching her craft as a cup runneth-over-talent and indie businesswoman, preferring musical innovation over image, while still extending the pretty picture musical audiences are conditioned to expect. Delightful brilliance, this one, extending words that are well worth the read (page 47).
Next in the 'Inside Issue 9' feature line-up:
Dwayne White, Keeper of the Waking Dream Lense.
If you're of the .pdf loving crowd and haven't downloaded Issue 9 yet, you can do so here.
TonyaMoore.com features Issue 9
This is serious fuel for the dream engine ^_^
Knowing the objective of publishing the magazine is achieved at any point, fortifies the approach of each issuing. Ecstatic thanks to TonyaMoore.com, a higher-mind dazzling zone in its own right, for beaming love 'pon the 9th official issuing of Purple.
This feature is and will continue to be treasured <3>
Monday, February 15, 2010
Issue 9 is served *_^

Issue 9 : Finding the Bliss Lense, includes a glimpse into the lense-blissing worlds of Aki Hirata Baker, Anyabwile Love, MM Carter, Dwayne White, Adria Nicole, Trezure The Empress, and the list goes on. This second issue in our Dream Definition series seeks to highlight the importance with which we approach every experience we find ourselves in, as a major component in the success of our self-making, and resulting dream-crafting.
Huemind Fantastic: The WonderSci of Eugene Randolph Young (abridged)
In a space within Eugene Randolph Young’s imagining, wonder and reality intertwine, in a harmony communicated through the flourish of metaphor, color, setting, and a glint in the fantastical creature’s eye.
He is nothing short of amazing.
(#Steampunk commission for Milton Davis’ forthcoming ‘Sivads Chronicles’
See BSFS Steampunk group beyond link below for details or visit Sir Milton's
More Eurayo fantastitech here.
From the ConsciousInk radar: Huemind Fantastic
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
HuemindFantastic: Wonderdark: The Awakening of Zuza ARV Edition
Wonderdark is... well you'll have to read the first book to get a sense of it's true definition. It's extended from the heart after it's time spent in the chambers of a #greenwand wielder with a clockwork dream engine outpouring Rainbow Ethera. It's an Afro-Asiatic Steampunk/FaeryPunk/Etherpunk meets plant-eating
(and in some cases of Anansi-kind: bookeating) tradition of thought-craft and Higher-lense opting. Like just about any book kissed with Steam ethos, it's unconventional, and will not open a door for you to the usual, the 'norm'... the 'generally accepted', etc.
Instead, it will open up a door in your mind to higher possibilities, the under-reported splendor of cruelty-free alts, and hope reinstilled for your inner-child that dreams emerge because they're seeking birth. It's not just your imagination... at least not in the way you might think.
Contains: a world connected to that in the 'Copper Angels and BrassMoors Novella (Faerypunk/Afrosteam genre also)- (Added to The Books of Zambarau Maji Omnibus (updated 'extras' section Summer '09) See Zambarau.com)
Digital ARC copies are available for a limited time (from 12/24/09), and print edition copies can be requested by blog and mag reviewers, as well as others maintaining a brand with a bookeating audience. Please include a small bio sharing more about your audience and why you think they may be interested in hearing your review of Wonderdark: The Awakening of Zuza.

Check the extra issuing of PurpleMag #9 (Finding the Bliss Lense) releasing this month for the additional excerpt of Wonderdark: Dara and the Dream Engine (in the Aether of Other).
Visit the MoorWing Archive and RPGship for more AfroAsiatic/POC/Otherkin-steam
Valjeanne Jeffers emailed a review

(Click to enlarge, a few sentences have a green bar cut and pasted over them for sender privacy <3>
Georgia Anne Muldrow on Nu-Soul Mag
The unduplicatable vibe of Lady Muldrow, steeped in old soul, powerful but masterfully subdued and rechanneled in the life-fluid of futuristic veined and depth-inspired ether machina, graces us again with a new release: King's Ballad.
Peek at the gem Nu-Soul Mag has in store for you, below. Click the read more link for the full interview.
Nu-Soul: Congratulations on the new album. Can you tell me about recording it?
Georgia: It was a very quick process. It was fun. I built a muscle for making records at the time. Dudley (Perkins, Muldrow’s partner) kept me on schedule and formatted the songs. He helped me work on each of the songs and decide what to keep and what not to keep. It was a real easy natural process.
Nu-Soul:You’ve been incredibly prolific. How does your creative process work and how have you been able to maintain such an output?
Georgia: Well basically I couldn’t do it without Dudley’s support. He’s blessed my life in the sense that he’s allowed me to do this music full time and has done whatever he has to do to support me in that venture. He’s been very supportive and enabled me to focus on the music instead of doing a lot of the regular things like laundry, dishes and other family duties. He’s taken on many of those responsibilities so I could focus on the music. He’s the reason why, because he’s consumed so much of the things in my life that have allowed me to focus. It’s beautiful.
Georgia: One of the biggest things was on my mom’s (Rickie BB aka Rickie Bayers-Beckwith) album Supreme Inspiration in which he appeared and gave her his blessing with her music. I was so inspired by that and knew that we would be working with him soon. Unfortunately, he died after that. But it was also the producers Michael worked with. Michael and Quincy Jones had a beautiful chemistry that I hope to create with the artists I work with. Also, my mentor John Barnes taught me about working with people as a producer. He taught me about arranging stuff for other people and matching their vibes. It’s a very deep spiritual thing. This hip-hop lives in me because I can bring that, but I also love being a producer. Quincy Jones and John Barnes’ productions made me look at their records from a producer stand point and were very inspirational.

Collectors of Underground Gems
update: (currently best viewed in Firefox)
Your comments about the new feed are valued: Submit them here .
If you haven't signed (click the image for more info on @Justice4Aiyana's petition):

Issues and fantastical tomes via VioletPaper (more in the works)
Purple Magazine
Modern Mythmaking for underrepresented culture since '06
Our 11th issuing has arrived (it's just a little something until the next issue can receive full focus). Shine Bright.
Enjoy the 10th Purple issuing

More green and fantastical books and boons here, or click the cover of the 2nd Wonderdark issuing if you only want to see the books.

Click the above image for Issue#9 acquisition.

Wonderdark: The Awakening of Zuza Fantasy for melinated mythists/Faerypunks, Black/POC Faery realm appreciators, and herbivores. Click the image for the public online-read or to acquire a digigraphed download visit purplemag.com > The extras section includes the Zizeru mini cookbook in the extras section, and Hivemind RPG game.
Wonderdark on Kindle rides the Aetherbeam to the 3rd dimension in August. Extras details in the press release in from Loomcity.
Visit Zambarau, or the author page on Goodreads for additional splendor.
Email purplemag@gmail.com for information on digital review copies and intel on the print release. Description and review links/screenshots (Scroll to the bottom)
Update 4/27/11: Requests for ARC screener copies of future VioletPaper tomes are now being accepted through CandyAnomaly at gmail.com
Wonderdark: Dara and The Dream Engine has been publically available from mid-2011 - Review copies are available for established reviewers. The private ARC was a public ARC before it was released commercially (previews are featured in the 1st Black Faery Anthologies (2010) - see cover above for direct link). The ARC contact is: CandyAnomaly at gmail.com
Older Black Faery tales in the Books of Zambarau-Maji Omnibus link in Zambarau
PurpleMag's Manifesto
Click the image for information and download. Click here or here for past issue downloads (the Issuu link only offers the most recent issues).
Visit tumblettes and tumblents of CandyAnamoly (a PurpleMag satellite) here.
If you're greentongued add your support to the effort to request Daiya & FYH @ Traderjoe's:

Help ConsciousInk add titles to the Ever-growing Underrepresented Spec Fiction List.
2009 Changes for the schedule at UltravioletUnderground are here. Look for the Monthly affirmation and totem features on the 3rd of every month in the Monthly Mass Meditation post. Click here for the details of the Monthly Mass Meditation.
Also, your comments are appreciated and read. Due to a multitasking whirlwind, I'm not always able to respond, but I aim to as often as possible between the editing and raising of the teenager. Emails are nearly always responded to, unless they are more of a commentary, or somehow unstable in nature. Shine on ^_^
Scroll down to 'Ultraviolet Underground is...' for Graphic design/Illustrative/Technical-writing/Ghostpenning (anonymous work-for-hire lit) contract-invoice work intel from the creative team who do layout work for Purple Mag.
The Resource Fund:
within the DreamLoom
My blog is worth $34,436.94.
How much is your blog worth?
INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population. |
personality tests by similarminds.com
Call For Solidarity

Current: Sign this petition to free a victim of hate-crime being charged for defending himself.
Darfur. Tibet. Congo. Haiti. Uganda. Burma. Who would you add to the list of areas impacted by consumerism, tyranny and war profiteering? Raise Awareness.Join us on the 27th of the month to raise awareness through our blogs and means for our siblings connected to us by the roots of humanity who have the right to peace and plenty. (Click the above logo to visit the main blog).
Click here for the Afrospear blogroll and past archived grassroots campaigns at UU. Some of the links to the archives ended up missing in the last edit, but the posts are available in the 'The Grassroute' and 'Call for Solidarity' label.

Click the Green Earth For an Important Message And Links That Will Help You Support a Cruelty-Free, Healthy Green Planet.
Ultraviolet Feed
Call For Severe Laws Against Police Brutality.
The Light of the Youth

Bless the minds of the youth.
They're our evolution.
Support their search for self with healthy imagery and ideas.
In Print
Read it long into the night with or without the little ones.
Every inner child requires enchantment.
Sprinkle some stardust in your satchel.

For Gifting your Inner Child with Conscious Literature.
Download any e-book format via Smashwords

Click the Image To Order (The print version will return to Amazon through a new publisher).
Commercial and Press Kit Through This Link
Update (1/2009): The full of title of Maji, is 'The Books of Zambarau- Maji Omnibus'. To avoid brand confusion (with two other books of similar title) moving forward the omnibus will be printed and listed with the full title (this should be finalized shortly on the Amazon page).Past entries and commercials are undergoing updating. Please bear with.
Thankyou for your interest. Spread positive multicultural images to the youth. Invest in healthy media for a healthier culture. Buy conscious Indie.
Watch The Books of Zambarau-Maji-related video and view updates here
Enjoy BlackPerspective's Author showcase interview with Dazjae Zoem ~~~through this link~~~~*
Alternative fiction books for children of color
UltravioletUnderground is:

We are subcultural alternative soul. We do not follow the way of the masses. We embrace quality art. We embrace conscious activity. We consider other conscious bloggers to be fam. We don't sweat arrogant and obviously insecure 'elitists'. If it's dope, we will wave our technicolor pom-poms. The world is changing. The blogosphere has proven that. The power is once again where it should be... in the minds and hearts of 'the global people'.
The Long Version: ~~~~~~~~&
Energy Mail:
theultravioletunderground@gmail.com to connect or contribute.
Editor, Wordpainter/Image&EtherWriter, Reincarnated Black Faerie
(For contract-invoiced logo-work, book covers (photostock and typesetting are the most affordable starting at 50.), illustrations, technical writing/ad copy/ghost-writing contact me via: purplemag at gmail.com (with 'Service Request' in the subject line)
A contract invoice is utilized for every order to ensure a clear vision is worked on from the onset of the project. A complimentary change round is included w/ every order for small-medium changes to your original vision. Any changes after that are charged by the hourly minimum 50., except for freelancer error correction (those remain free, if something has been missed by the artist).
See Purple Mag covers and Modern Myth story illustrations in past issues,and/or email a request for the PurplePress kit for further examples.
Youth Contributor, Voice of the future, Graphic Artist (Commission prices start at 50. and up for pencil commissions, 75. and up graphic design- Inquire via purplemag@gmail.com for examples and commission contract)
Compare Commission prices with industry standards here.
Guest Ink Faeries
Artists and Scribes with the good word
drop intel our way from time to time...
We keep it relatively balanced round these parts for the benefit of the youth that so few have bothered to consider might be watching in recent times...
Naturally art and censorship aren't close friends, and knowing this we aren't ridiculous, but we do frown upon unnecessarily graphic toxins. There's enough of it out there.
We dig the artisans who strive to be creative with the language for reviews, grassroots campaigns, multimedia offerings (incl. cross-promotional offerings) metaphysical articles and etc.
We'd love to connect with our Brothers and Sisters who wield a solid camera and dig conceptual photo stories, create Repurposed/DIY fashions, Wield a fierce illustrating/writing ink or digital pen, and have interest in being part of collective that celebrates the Conscious and Underrepresented through UU, Purple Mag, and other Fly collectives they may wish to co-illuminate in the underground...
Purple Mag
Submission Guidelines
Purple Magazine
Ultraviolet Underground is updated regularly. To receive regular blog feeds,updates and other goodies through the mail, subscribe to the Ultraviolet Underground feedburner mailing list at the top of the sidebar. Privacy is respected.
We accept them and offer gifts in return ^_^
You may receive an energy analysis, energy-related services, repurposed DIY goods, digital media dependent upon availability of any given gift.
Inquire within for details. Monies are utilized for overhead in magazine features, grassroots campaign needs, daily bread, and other utilities for ultravioletunderground.com mgmt.
If you have a tablet pc or two or some Navisis products to transform a regular laptop to tablet-mode (so our budding graphic artists can enjoy the ease of drawing on the pc screen while they grow in artistic prowess) to donate or would like to barter and trade (ie. you need a press release, pr assistance, vibrational medicine, creative intelligence, quirky vocals on a track, ad space, or other things we can possibly provide...) feel free to drop us an energy mail: theultravioletunderground@gmail.com
Complimentary Reiki Signup
Click the Paisley Daisy for our Complimentary Sunday Reiki List
We had to replace the link to the last free Reiki organization because it appears they send guilt-prompting letters for donations stating how many healings you've received after a time (usually after three weeks). It was disappointing to us so we have found a few others that could be of use, where the Reiki healing truly comes from the heart. We are also thinking we will remove our previous post recommending them so no one is misled through our site.
Suggested Free Reiki sources (more to be added as they are found):
Dope Quote
- "You cannot add to the peace and good will of the world if you fail to create an atmosphere of harmony and love right where you live and work."
- -- Thomas Dreier

Cynthia Mckinney is Running for President.
Why no media coverage?

View my page on Afro-punk
PurpleZoe on Stumbleupon

Random Flyness (UU Posts):
Cynthia McKinney For President
McKinney/Clemente '08 - Keep It Real
Major Carter Greening The Ghetto
Vegan Cherry Dipped Ice Cream
PurpleZoe On The Flyness Of RiceMilk
The Girl With CrystalTears
Saul Williams Convict Colony
The Method's Comicbook
Vegenaise Hearts Your Tastebuds
Algebra Blessett Tutorial
Biodegradeable Plastic Alternative: Zelfo
Stand Against Police Brutality
Charles Saunders Dossouye-Sword and Soul Media
Vaccination Liberation
What's up Fatlip
Vegan Cupcakes Are Slammin
Aluminum Free Deodorant
Green Alternatives
Cheezly Is A Winner
Res and Graph Are FleetwoodBlack
Switch To Agave- Do It For The Bees
Primordial Punk Pics Emerge At Bold As Love
Meanwhile In The Heart Chakra
Getting Free
YAMS Speaks With URBAlt
We Loves Aunt Keke
EcoFriendly Packaging
I AM a Community Organizer
Holy Lockdown
Maybe I had a bad batch of Dr.Cow's Cashew Cheese
More to come...
Previously Featured Friends
(also see our Blogroll in the Link Love section below):
Wondrous Alice
Mya B.
Lesley Ann-Brown: Black Girl On Mars
Rob Fields: Bold As Love
Gangstarr Girl
Mane and Chic
Danielle of BlackKool
~~~Insert Your Indiefied Flavor Here~~~*
If you're interested in being featured on UU or in Purple Magazine, email pics and a bio that includes how you got started, what inspires you, and what your vision is for your project, movement, or etc. Include any coming events or releases, so they can be included in the writeup.
note: If your hoping to submit a guestpost, you can peep our submission guidelines above for PurpleMag/UU. We heart guest posters who bless the underground, and cross-promote with seriousness for our fellow indies and greenies. We're not fond of procrastination though, so please only contact us if you will follow-through out of respect for our planning time and the importance of our word to the audience.
You can include 'buy' links as well for any projects you have available for purchase.
To send item samples for our review, email us for a physical address through purplemag at gmail.com to make direct contact with a designated reviewer (reviewer availability varies and rotates dependent upon the product focus).
Features are not guaranteed, but are most likely to appear if they are indie/grassroots based, and bring something to the table of underrepresented culture and subcultures.
Shine on *_^
Ubuntu is the free OS choice for wisened folks tired of PC sabotage
Enjoy my 'Noob' recommendations for Ubuntuans just starting out or looking for more applications and other useful info... ~~~~~~*
- Click the Zuluchyle to visit Ubuntu Central and get yours...

Support Underground Culture (The Roots of Awareness)
Aw Shucks...
Ultraviolet Underground Heads say...
Blog Archive
- Audiovisual Splendor- Komla, and Brandun Deshay
- Chileans, our hearts are with you.
- Am I Not Human: The roots of Haitian culture versu...
- Audiovisual Splendor: JahJah Muldrow, Fonzworth Be...
- Inside issue 9: Dwayne White
- Inside Issue 9: Etheric Grace a.k.a Black Rock Roy...
- TonyaMoore.com features Issue 9
- Issue 9 is served *_^
- Huemind Fantastic: The WonderSci of Eugene Randol...
- HuemindFantastic: Wonderdark: The Awakening of Zuz...
- Georgia Anne Muldrow on Nu-Soul Mag
Random Underground Intel
Independent Thought

Dope quote:
"There are no accidents. nothing is random. There are only acts of an invisible higher power that uses very conceivable means to communicate with us on a moment-by-moment basis. We are spoken to in words, in actions, by the language of nature, numbers, colors and the list goes on and on. We can chose to either learn the language of God or ignore. That is what free will is all about." - TheGarnerCircle (Pr)

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Visit Trace.tv

Break Barriers Wave your freak flag... Enjoy Shingai's mastery through the link.
"We're in an age where moving forward as a people requires a collective choice to heal the rifts of conditioning imposed upon us in our ancestral past. It won't do to embrace the poisons pumped into the minds and spirits of our community. It's time to rise above the corrupted caricatures painted onto the Black community, and reach within ourselves with self love and respect to embrace the purity of self-defined archetypal consciousness, as its the only consciousness that can hold truth." -UltravioletUnderground.com
Underground Dwellers
Here's the new spot:
Posts Via Candy Anomaly's Otherbox (a PurpleMag.com satellite)

FAIR USE NOTICE: This blog may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.