Opened by the 88 Keys & BlackViolin
the legendary 'BlackStar' is performing tomorrow
at the Nokia Times Square theater.
2 shows:
and 11:30P
Ticket info is available here.
The silent, vicious underbelly of world society has supported the slave trade of women, and children for the purposes of forced prostitution and unpaid labor to and unforgivable degree of depravity and length of time, but it's voice has been largely ignored by a media that would rather give coverage to under-garment revealing mishaps of famous personalities, and propaganda designed to generate political support for various profit-generating efforts and/or smear campaigns aimed at political parties that completely distract and direct mass attention away from important issues impacting our world.
While we enjoy the fruits of our labors -- though admittedly many of us struggle to enjoy even that, there are voiceless people who have been reduced to slaves, hidden by a corrupt secret market that exploits the innocence of those who have found themselves alone and vulnerable, or who have even been sold to it by their own families.
Fortunately there are voices who refuse to be silenced, and share vital information with the masses who think for themselves and seek news that informs rather than brainwashes, or dumbs down the intellect.
A film documentary entitled 'Call and Response' has been created to bring to light the devastating effects of the evils in this hidden slavery system that has found itself widespread from the West to the East. Created by a musician who happened upon the horrors of sexual slavery during a celebratory weekend, this film is intended to wake us up to the realities that very real, very innocent children and individuals in general are facing in society --even in the 'Free World'.
The trailer for the film certainly may be shocking for some. Please watch this before deciding whether or not to share this footage with the youth in your home.
Peace all *_^
I've written an article on being, creating and becoming that's currently featuring on Ymib.com in an abridged/slightly-altered form, and wanted to make the unabridged form from submission (the version preceding the editing at ymib) available to readers as well. It's a tad longer but gets more in-depth.
There is more to come in this line of thought. The state of being has been heavy on a sistah's mind as of late, and at the very least an insert may appear in a future Purple Magazine issue focusing on enjoyable exercises and thoughts to ponder that aid in our reconditioning into being. Who knows maybe there will even be a small book written to this effect? Time will tell.
Shine bright.
Being, Creating, and Becoming.
Thought-forms can act as clever shape-shifters when we fight against them, but feelings, especially passionate ones can't be easily thought away or staved off, because they come from a truer place. It's assured that a sense of true judgment is important to our lifepaths, but no judgment can truly be balanced without the presence of the intuition. We've been taught in Western society and societies influenced forcefully by the West, that feelings are a sign of weakness. The patriarchal influence that insists upon repression of sensation has ruined many to the truth that arises in the chest in response to experience. Artists and holistic-oriented individuals have been labeled as treehuggers, and laughed at by those considering themselves superior because they 'tune in' only to their logos function, and suspiciously eschew the feeling aspect of the self, with distinct contempt.
We're entering times, however, where it's painfully obvious that the patriarchal mentality did not emerge from a fully functioning heart, and to follow it still, could easily lead to planet-wide destruction. Big business has ravaged re-developing countries and bound them in debt-based deceit designed to rob them of belief in their power. It has done the same in lesser degrees of devastation to the countries considered 'superpowers'. The key to power is how it is perceived though. Perception is everything. Without self-determination there is no power to be had.
Self-determination and being go hand and hand. Beingness is a state of flow that expresses, creates, experiences and expresses itself all over again. We communicate with ourselves and others out of what we believe, and grow culture from ideas that sustain us in the cradle of our thought-based systems. Ideas are vital to our balance, sense of groundedness, and anchoring to a position or place, but we must be able to continue in our growth and expansion in any position of rootedness if we're ever to bear fruit and discover the gems harbored within us.
We're far more than our mental instruments, but most of us have experienced and come from ancestors who've been trapped in the psyche alongside malignant rootless thoughtforms purposely imposed, and difficult to navigate through without self-love, or at the very least self-respect.
The path of least resistance may be attractive to some depending upon how it's perceived, but it is sure that we lack direction without our deeper motivations, and we are certainly without our motivation in absence of our true desires and goals. Following the desires others may have for us may bear fruit for them, but what is most important to us could wither without attention, whether it be something we consciously tuck away, or something that slipped from our awareness during a trauma, or a decision made on our part, that a dream we cherished would never manifest. We are puppet-like without returning to some level of our true feeling-self, and this is how many of us have been controlled. The problem is most assuredly a mindstate problem. It may have physical repercussions but we must fight it from our crowns, if we are to defeat it.
Reconnecting with our feeling self demands a cessation of self-criticism, and a willingness to hear ourselves no matter how imperfect or undeveloped our sentiments or ideas may at first seem. There are parts of ourselves that may be emerging from a place that has been repressed for generations. Relearning how to flow without flinching takes time, just as opening your eyes to adjust to the morning light can at first be uncomfortable and disorienting. Gradually acceptance of the light is assured, as you become conditioned to it. In the same way, our minds take time adjusting to new thoughtforms, most especially those that are polar opposites of beliefs we once accepted consciously or unconsciously, that can no longer hold their place of power in our psyches. Some ideas die hard. In our programming, repetition and patience with ourselves becomes crucial.
But before reprogramming, we need to assess our desires, and more important than this, we need to identify them to begin with. The process of understanding our hearts and what we hold within them begins the moment we can relax enough to allow ourselves to unfold a little, and reveal what we've compressed, and stuffed away. A delicate process, it's important we avoid criticizing these desires, or even over-analyzing them. It's best for us to seek understanding of what the desires may be rooted in, and if they do not seem positive, how we can find a positive form for their reshaping.
An exercise that can be useful for this process is a variation of the 'I AM' exercise. In this version of the 'I AM' exercise, you would still take out a sheet of paper and compile a list of affirmations starting with I AM, but you would be focusing on qualities and achievements you would envision yourself having in a space without any obstacles or obstructions to your path. Whether you form 5 affirmations or 300, the gems harvested from this exercise give you a direct path to your core needs, which can assist you in your reprogramming. Remember always to form your affirmations in the present tense, to avoid confusing the psyche.
e.g. 'I AM happy with my resources.'
In addition to being useful in the reprogramming part of your process, once you identify your true motivations/desires, this can also be a valuable tool for self-analysis. Beauty fixated affirmations that might end up on your list, for instance, can alert you to a lack of personal appreciation of your physical form, which can be remedied by a ritual of whispering sweet nothings to yourself in the mirror weekly, even daily, or drawing hearts around an image bearing your likeness, all to get your mind cued and in the habit of appreciating the physical form.
If you find intelligence based affirmations that alert you to a desire for higher learning that can be achieved both in self-study and formal education, you can seek out online tutorials, and books focusing on your areas of interest. You might also enroll in a few courses at a local college, while maybe utilizing a totem that symbolizes higher intelligence like the Owl, in your jewelry, or in a picture hung in your room.The mind responds to symbols. Often referred to as the language of the soul, symbols are easier for the subconscious mind to understand than words are. This is why creating success collages can be such a powerful exercise.
Helping your mind learn to focus its attention on your best qualities can be achieved fairly quickly if exercises like the ones mentioned are utilized regularly for several months, and in some cases there are visible signs within 21 days.
In the process of being and becoming, self-acceptance is crucial. Who you are now (including all of the sacred glitches of the past that have made you stronger and wiser) is integral to who/what you are blooming into. We are wise to express appreciation for all of our lessons, as they truly do serve us with the information we need to better ourselves. Avoiding despair, and accepting the temporary nature of things can be vital to breaking through the soil, during the journey of the lotus from lower to higher experience. There is much to celebrate as we ascend. The growing pains are gifts. As we become more of ourselves from seed to bloom, we reach into our personal myths and sacred stories to find an archetypal self full with purpose in a society that must remember the importance of feeling,and dreaming, to achieve being and in being, find peace.
Dazjae Zoem is a Motherland Faerie whisperer/author-illustrator of 'The Books of Zambarau-Maji Omnibus', Blackbean burger flipper (herbivore), and editorial chieftess for Purple Magazine/
Awkquarius- Let's hit the town
The online dimension: Pikahsso.com
Dead Prez collect the word of the people
Warning for those with youth in the room:
Colorful language within.
Visit their online dimension: Deadprez.com
Props to OKP and Nerdwithswag (click the title links to visit) for the intel.
Click the image for more information.
Props to Kaos Blac for the intel.
K'NAAN "T.I.A" music video directed by: NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
Click the image to visit SoulPretty's lovely design realm.
SoulPretty's apron definitely inspires a sistah to stop avoiding the needle and thread. I have tons of ideas that need to make their way into the manifested realm.
Peace Greenies * _ *
I'm still here. Pardon the sparse posting. There are goodies en route that have required my attention on a few fronts (these should be wrapped up in less than two weeks if not sooner for the majority of the 'to-do ' list). It's going swimmingly now with a change of perspective on my part. Everything happens for a reason, and I'm learning more and more to accept rather than groan with irritation when glitches rear their heads. They are sacred glitches after all, and I've learned a whole lot from them this year particularly.
Had a lovely day at the market with the teenager today. Happened across some fly new offerings in the organic section. I'm way hyped to have found Liquid Braggs Amino, Tahini, Seasalt in a huge carton, and vegan baking mixes (we bake from scratch too but it's nice to have the boxed option for lazy moments). The pricing for organic goodies is comparable to the chemical-laden junk being peddled to the unaware consumer nowadays, so I'm counting the green blessings.
I still plan to start an account with doortodoororganics.com though.
Apparently R&B is still alive (without auto-tune no less ^_^). Conscious Hiphop is still thriving in the underground as Invincible and Paris Diamond illustrate. Support indie culture.
Invincible f/Tiombe Lockhart - Ropes
Not to ever be slept on Invincible is an incredibly conscious emcee overflowing with lyrical skills kissed by proper hiphop beats.
Peep Emperor's Clothes and other infectious dome-blessing tracks via her Myspace profile.
Visit her online realm: http://www.myspace.com/invincilana
Young Nate- I Wonder
There's definitely room for clean-content purveying teen wonders with voices in a sea of weak shock-value peddling half-talents. Young Nate is medicine for youth mentality if this song displays his platform, through which he bring a soft and seriously melodious voice.
More information available on Young Nate via: http://www.myspace.com/soundbwoyuk
Paris Diamond- In search of /Cloud8
This is the first I'm hearing of Paris Diamond, but it won't be the last. His consciousness is definitely what we need in the underground.
Visit his digital dimension: http://www.myspace.com/parisdiamondmusic
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