Rob Fields is the sh--t.
Founding the glorious BoldasLove blog, which takes the time to post original event photos, listening posts, and even video interviews, while organizing BoldasLive events as well, this flavorful man has opened a much-needed and beloved haven for the melinated rock community.
Thankyou for contributing light to the group identity
of the new black paradigm.
Enjoy the realm of Rob Fields here
through a door in a statue saluting Jimi:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Featured Friend: Rob Fields' Bold As Love
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Soy Cheddar Block is a Winner
I have tried this soy block a second time, and find that it tasted exactly like mild cheddar the first time when in a sandwich, but not so much alone. It worked well in baked mac and cheese though despite the low melt factor (More on this later *_^).
So I've search fermented vegan cheese, and found

They make real cultured cheese from nuts.
Most say it's a winner.
I intend test this and share my findings with you later.
Galaxy foods has done Veddy Veddy good.
Their Soy Cheddar Cheese block gets a post of its own for being one of the best options out there for vegan cheese lovers. It tastes like mild regular cheddar, but no animals were tortured for it.
I will let you know if it melts well enough for my baked mac and cheese plans.
Your local Wholefoods may carry it. Most grocers are open to suggestions, if you want to see it in your store, though. Be careful to ask for the Vegan version however, as it's the only one that is casein-free, and trust... the current rice cheeses are not something to do cartwheels about.
Soon to come: The celebratory results of recent experiments in the kitchen, which include successful homemade vegan cheese sauce, mayo, sour cream, whipped cream, and make-it-into-any cream just add proper seasonings cream.
There's more of course, incl. Vegan cheesecake *_^
Stay tuned.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Briclyn Entertainment and Rock The Vote Tomorrow
Details from a recent
Briclyn Entertainment mailing:
Jesse Boykins III, K.I.N.G.S, Curt Chambers and Hezekiah.
R.I.P Paul Newman
It hit me hard to find out that such a compassionate and charitably active man passed on to the next realm on Friday at age 83. Paul will definitely be missed, and his many contributions to our society, including a revamping of the food industry with a brand that takes the danger out of eating and donates all of its profits to charity, will continue to be treasured.
Our condolences to his loved ones.
Paul and Wife Joanne Woodward.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Janelle Monae- Many Moons
This was well worth the wait.
Shine on Miss Monae.
Grazi 9 Elements
Registered yet?
In some states October 6 is the deadline for voter registration.
If you're located in those areas (Tennessee and Pennsylvania are two closing registration soon), please visit this link to learn more about the details:
You can obtain applications to print out and
information about your located offices state
by state through this link:
Please spread the word via your blogs.
More information on the AAC campaign at
Ex-pats, you can still vote.
for your absentee ballot.
Ex-convicts many states
will reinstate your voting rights
either by request or automatically
more at Liberator Magazine or
Around the way girls who put the
details together.
Michael Moore's movie about slacking in America came out 9/23.
Sign up to download it for free when its available.
Black Energy
BlackEnergy is literally taking the power back, and placing it in the hands of the community organizers making a difference in the lives of people in underrepresented culture. Allowing people to use their utility bills to support their communities, Black Energy is setting an innovative example that can make major changes in the independence of original communities.
Visit their online dimension:
Props to C'BS Alife Allah of Black To Nature
Am I Not Human?
We all have the responsibility to inform ourselves of what is happening in our world to our human siblings, and why. After this is accomplished, we have the responsibility to do something. Protest. Meditate. Pray. Do something. You're effort is important to the health of the collective.
Please join us in consistent blogging on the 27th of each month, where we ask on behalf of our human siblings in all suffering areas who are either barred from communication by their governments, or lacking in technology to ask: Am I Not Human?
Let's ask ourselves if continuing to act like this level of suffering isn't present, serves the balance of the world at all. If this can go unchecked in Darfur, who is to say it wouldn't go unchecked here? Is our economic system not a mess now because of the usurper administration's criminal war? Is there not a food crisis?
We are all in this together. This is beyond being about national borders. This is about humanity. We are all one. We must act like it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Kanye West Launches Comedy Central's 'Alligator Boots'
Mr. West gets his props for this.
Gracious thanks to C.L.A.T.A for the heads up.
Visualize Wealth
... and put your self/peoples in the picture.
I needed this.
A sistah is visualizing wealth in our 'underrepresented community' on the regular now. In times like this, we can't afford to play. Utilize your consciousness for upliftment. All signs point to how vital it is we direct our consciousness to productivity sooner than later.
We should start an intention group for positive underrepresented community visualizing and intention planting.
I participated in the Intention Experiment recently for Sri Lanka. It reminded me of how much we could be doing, and should be. Another group that sends positive vibes to areas in need with Reiki is ConnectingLight.
Extreme props to Q. of UltravioletUnderground/PurpleMag for the link.
M.I.A Has Entered The Fashion World
We will miss her quirky, yet hard hitting island-influenced emceeing, but her style is determined to live on.
Visit her online dimension:
Shop M.I.A
Merci C.L.A.T.A for the intel
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Denzel Determined To Save School Program
It's no act: a Hollywood superstar is upset about plans to cut the sports programs in a local New York school district. Now he's digging into his own pocket and making a personal plea to save the team.
"I am a direct result of the athletic programs in Mount Vernon. That is why I am here today."
Those are the words of Oscar winner Denzel Washington, who isn't pulling any punches when talking about the budget crisis that could force his hometown to cut all school athletic programs.
Much Respect, Denzel.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Get your Hollywood Noon on.
While Kid Cudi's "Day 'N' Nite" has become a staple for clued-in DJs the world over, the Cleveland rapper is anything but a one-hit wonder. Cudi is a stickler for details, constantly commenting on day-to-day life with a realist's perspective and singsong drawl. He's joined tonight by Hollywood Holt, the only Chicago MC with a septum piercing. On "Brains," Holt spits "If hip-hop's deceased / I'm the rhyme of the living dead / Walkin' really slow / with metaphors oozin' outta my head," criticizing his genre with cheeky attitude. Million $ Mano, Holt's main man on the production tip, has crafted surprising electro-tinged mashups of indie dance hits, some of which fill his set tonight.
– Ali Gitlow
Details here
Click the image for a larger view of the flyer.
Thankyou for raising your voices.
The Supreme court has intervened and stayed the execution of Troy Davis.
This is a tears of joy moment. I am so thankful to Amnesty International and Villager for bringing this case to my attention. I'm thankful for the people who have raised their voices in solidarity agains tthis travesty of justice.
Here is what PrNewswire had to say about the Supreme Court's decision:
ATLANTA, Sept. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Amnesty International USA
(AIUSA) today welcomed the order from the Supreme Court of the United
States to stay the execution of Troy Anthony Davis hours before his
scheduled execution. The state of Georgia scheduled Davis' execution for
today, in effect circumventing the U.S. Supreme Court before it had time to
decide whether its justices would consider Davis' case.
"For reasons that are unfathomable, Chatham County officials seemed
doggedly determined to ram this execution through before justice could
fully run its course," said Larry Cox, executive director for AIUSA. "We
are grateful that the U.S. Supreme Court has shown the foresight to stay
the execution. We hope that it takes up the case and looks at it with fresh
eyes, marking the first time that evidence pointing to Davis' innocence
will have been heard in a court of law."
Read More
I'm looking forward to hearing that the court has reviewed
the overwhelming proof of his innocence, and the announcement
of his freedom. He has been through enough.
OKP reviews Blu and Mainframe's 'Johnson and Jonson'
In a time when rappers run through producers like yellow lights over the course of an album, L.A.’s underground wunderkind, Blu, appears to be the rare serial monogamist. He bared his soul over the textured warmth of Exile’s soulful soundscapes on their 2007 masterpiece, Below The Heavens, then opened ’08 with free wheeling energy over Ta’Raach’s minimalist boom-bap as one half of C.R.A.C. Knuckles. Rounding out his trilogy of single-producer collabs, Blu teams with up and coming tracksmith, Mainframe, for Johnson&Jonson, and the mission of this marriage seems to be showcasing Blu’s emceeing in its purest form. Over raw, sample heavy tracks, the much heralded lyricist flows like conversation after the last bottle of Boone’s Farm has been emptied, and the results will no doubt put a Pee Wee Herman smile on the face of many a hip-hop enthusiast.
Read More at OKP
Order Here
Are you registered?
In some states October 6 is the deadline for voter registration.
If you're located in those areas (Tennessee and Pennsylvania are two closing registration soon), please visit this link to learn more about the details:
You can obtain applications to print out and
information about your located offices state
by state through this link:
Please spread the word via your blogs.
More information on the AAC campaign at
Ex-pats, you can still vote.
for your absentee ballot.
Ex-convicts many states
will reinstate your voting rights
either by request or automatically
more at Liberator Magazine.
Michael Moore's movie about slacking in America is coming out 9/23.
Sign up to download it for free when its available.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Rakim's The Seventh Seal Draws Near
Although there was talk of Rakim planning to sign to Talib Kweli’s Blacksmith label some time ago, only one label can state that they have finally inked Rakim to a deal. Bay Area based SMC Recordings – home of Killer Mike, San Quinn, Mistah Fab, Pastor Troy and others - can now lay claim that the “God” emcee has officially signed with the label.
A release went out stating that “SMC Recordings signs the largest act in the history of the company,” as the signing sends a message to the many labels that have long been after the legendary emcee. What this signing also means is that the long awaited The Seventh Seal album will finally see the light of day – although it won’t be before the end of 2008.
The Seventh Seal is now slated for a Spring 2009 release. This will be Rakim’s first solo album since 1999’s The Master.
HipHopDX: What’s going on with The Seventh Seal?
Rakim: You can expect that two to three months from now. I’m going hard on that and I’ve got some surprises on there. I’m really ready to just let the world hear it.
Read More at HipHopDX
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Kenny Lattimore's Timeless
Kenny Lattimore, is a work of art. He was beautiful before he stepped away from his solo career to pursue music with wife and muse, Chante Moore, and he is beautiful now.
Kenny took a moment recently to speak with IndustrySoul about the new album, and how he feels about music from region to region.
Props to Nathalie of Thinktank Mktg for the intel
Friday, September 19, 2008
The 10th Annual Black L.U.V festival draws near
The National Black L.U.V. (Love Unity Vision) Festival (est. 1997) will be held September 21, 2008, Downtown at John Marshall Park (4th & Pennsylvania Ave., NW).
This festival has embraced the support of the community and the city for many years, being recognized as a 2006 Finalist in the Mayor’s Art Award for Excellence in Service to the Arts and receiving a 2007 Proclamation from DC Mayor Adrian Fenty for the 10th Anniversary proclaiming the Third Sunday in September Black L.U.V. Festival Day. “With the escalating violence in DC area communities, the rising cases of HIV/AIDS and the
suffering of the environment, NBLF is even more of a necessity.” states Kymone Freeman, Founder of NBLF.
More details here:
Visit the site directly:
Trace Magazine: Black Girls Rule
This time around Spike is the guest editor.
Very slick.
Click the cover to download the free e-issue,
visit the site blog and subscribe.
Download the previous issue:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Danny's Formidably Witlaced Soundtrack
Pleaaaaase forgive us the delay posting this review. Never been as busy as this past summer.
We've made a conscious decision to post reviews only for albums that we feel break the mold and/or move the spirit adeptly. Danny's recent effort 'And I Love HER' more than meets these requirements, forged of the stock from which classic material emerges. With angst, wit, and a perseverance that connects his audience with his plight and realness, if you will, he's delivered a concept album that outdoes anything I have heard from him previously.
If this is his last effort, he has poured all of his lyrical and musical might into its smoky, deliciously jazzed out and bass heavy dimension. With a nod to conscious hiphoppers of yesteryear who sought out beats that rebirthed a hybrid of hiphop, jazz and R&B, Danny! has infused his CD with musical elements that even include the sensual influence of Boss Nova.
The snippets are hilarious (displaying the ignorance of opportunists, the flat attempts of usurpers, communication challenges in relationships with the wounded) and Danny Swain proves himself a lyrical boxcutter once again.
'And I love her...' is easily an indie classic.
Continue to shine Monsieur Swain. Continue to shine.
Extremely Fly Tracks on an
Altogether Fabulous effort:
Guess Who's Back
Do You
Never Change
I W.A.N.T Her
Not the one
and really, they're all dope.
Visit Danny's digital dimension by Cafe Surreal here:
Click to order:
Other sentiments on Danny's latest masterpiece:
review-danny-and-i-love-her/ (Clips included in this review)
Indiefied- TVOTR, Blu, Pharoahe Monche,Cool Kids, Some of All Parts and Liberated Muse,
TV On The Radio 'Golden Age
Blu and Mainframe are Johnson&Jonson.
Some of All Parts 'Run'
Nod Factor Interviews Pharaohe Monche
Liberated Muse Took The Panel At
The International Soul Music Summit
The Cool Kids 'Delivery Man'

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
As Reality Becomes Crystal Clear...
If the existence of global warming is still being debated, it's time to wake up, and begin to move towards natural energy pronto.
If the people devastated by these natural disasters had windmills and solar in their areas, there would at least be enough to maintain several hours of electricity daily for basic survival, and even for indoor gardens in the cases of those who are from the 'lower caste system' and too melinated perhaps to get immediate help from FEMA or the Red Cross.
Pardon my passion if it is coming across as too acidic, but I must flatly say that
if people of color and the world watching these disasters did not learn from what really happened to the people of New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina, what is happening to the people of South Houston during Hurricane Ike makes the publicly unspoken caste system in this country crystal clear.
Where's the news coverage???
For those, of any culture that refuse to sit back and allow such imbalances as are seen in the complete lack of response during Hurricane Ike on to the two-headed legal system that doles out imbalanced sentences to the possessors of melinated skin whether they are guilty or not, it is time to create the buzz. It is time to engage others in discussion about this, and brainstorm. It is of course time for action, and less talk. Let the talk be for planning, but let it lead to movement.
The following article prompted this blog response:
Black residents feeling like “Castaways”
Darwin Campbell
LoneStar Power Pages
“No phone, no lights no motor cars, not a single luxury, like Robinson Crusoe, as primitive as can be”
HOUSTON- Houston has a real problem.
Many of its African-American men, women and children are having Katrina nightmares.
Only this time, they are not trapped in the Big Easy, they are trapped on the island called Houston.
It is these set of circumstance affecting thousands of residents who feel they have been left high and dry in dozens of homes and neighborhoods in the south Houston area.
On the dark streets and from house to house, the questions citizens are asking are:
Where’s FEMA? Where’s the help from Houston city officials?
CenterPoint Energy reported it had restored power to 500,000 customers but about 1.6 million are still in the dark.
...In one neighborhood, some elderly residents living in assisted living are without power disabled and without oxygen – The city is yet to respond to their needs.
“This is unacceptable,” he said. “People should not have to live like this.”
Demouchet said waiting on FEMA and contacting them has been frustrating. Hours have been spent on the phone with little to no results. Even more frustrating than having no electricity is the lack of FEMA and Red Cross help stations that could provide a minimum amount of water and ice.
“We decided to pull it together ourselves,” he said. “If our government won’t help us, we decided to cooperate and help ourselves neighbor to neighbor.”
Continue reading here
Many thanks to Eddie Griffin for the information.