Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Blasian Resources

For our readers of mixed race asian ancestry, there are places on the net that focus on your experience.
Bamboogirl is a zine that focuses on mixed cultural experience, and the maven foundation focuses on mixed races of all backgrounds. is also a resource for folks of different cultural backgrounds.
Below is a vlog from


Anonymous said...

im a blasian, pops is Chinese, moms is Jamaica....

PurpleZoe said...

Interesting flavor in your mix.

My roots are Kemetian/African, French, and Native American(which would be where any Asian lineage in my line would come from though---I plan to get the analysis in the future to find out exactly what's going on...).

The Maven Foundation is dedicated to promoting awareness for mixed children of various cultures, but I have to track down the website.
I first heard about it on

Will report more of what I find as I come across it.
