A sistah is not a fan of the gore some like to attach to Hallow's Eve, but I can appreciate the opportunity to engage with the inner child, so long as one is keeping it green and creative.
Typically I avoid holiday blogging (instead celebrating alternative holidays that do not spit in the face of Native Americans or NatureLovers (a.k.a Pagans) whose celebrations were jacked, whitewashed and given new names... ahem: Pagan Yule trees are now acceptable in the mainstream as long as the true root of the tradition isn't revealed...), because most holidays have very corrupt, bloody, usurped roots steeped in the terrorism of colonization.
Hallow's Eve has it's bright side however, and I've decided to relent and extend a post of interesting underground fabulousness for your shapeshifting and sugar-mongering pleasure opting to celebrate the inner child and the ancestors rather than the ghoulishness *_^
Visit the flyness that is Brittany of ClumpsofMascara.com for cosmetic shapeshifting inspiration:
Keep your candy Green Fair Trade and Non- GMO:
Green Halloween.org was inspired by out-of-box treat bestowers who gave stickers and non-candy items in the stead of the usual sugar laden options:
Reusable bags, Eco-friendly treats, and DIY costumes can make Greenoween a creative and healthy tradition:
Help Eradicate GMO's, as well Non-Fair Trade Chocolate and Sugar, this Greenoween by disavowing GMO candy and products created with Slave Labor that is often put on the backs of children.
Dr. Group says of GMO, Non-Fairtrade candy:
"Consuming this candy bar may cause cancer - contains sugar from genetically engineered beets, cocoa harvested by child slaves, and harmful pesticides and fungicides."
Think about it.
Our dollars make a difference. Support healthy, cruelty free products. It makes for very smart and seriously powerful activism.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Keep it Green and Creative on Hallow's Eve
Viropop #60
Visit the Zaproot dimension:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Etsian Splendor- Armour Sans Anguish
Armour Sans Anguish is a Faery girl's dream.
Visit the magikal dimensions of this Etsian
beyond the Parade of Pink Willows:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Audiovisual Splendor: Steph Jones 'Get me started'
This was too cute, and had to be posted. Happy music is more than welcome right now. Shine on, Steph. The sound is slick.
For Those That Missed Urban Go Green
I was just hipped to this by Brothah C'BS Alife Allah, founder of the very fly Originalthoughtmag.com, AsiaticLight publishing, and author of blacktonature.blogspot.com
He'll be posting video and other tidbits from his experience at the Urban Go Green Expo that took place this weekend at his blog, but to start you off, we've included a video of Ihsan at Urban Go Green engaging in a quick Q&A with Blacktonature.
Take in much light at Blacktonature on the regular.
No Inner Child Left Behind
Make Your Own Myths
Download Issue#6
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dead Prez- PolitricKKK's
Dead Prez- PolitricKKK's
Props to 9Elements
Monday, October 27, 2008
Am I Not Human: Censoring Tibet
Despite the new "relaxed" media rules in China, Tibet is excluded from free media expression. Recently China announced that the relaxing of reporting restrictions on foreign journalists
first exercised previous to the start of the 2008 Olympics held in Beijing, are now permanent...As long as you're not trying to interview anyone from Tibet.
According to Liu Jianchao on Oct 17:
"Foreign reporters still need to ask for permission to do reporting in Tibet and other areas that are off-limits to foreign reporters, like some military facilities”.
What news is China trying to suppress that may come out of Tibet?
While journalists have been granted permission to enter low-risk areas, areas where major protesting has occurred (and the killing of at least 13 Tibetans by Chinese armed police), like Ngaba county in the Amdo region, are off limits.
This month I ask on behalf of Tibetans censored from freedom of expression:
'Am I Not Human?"
Nuns have gone missing, and even been beaten in the street for defending their right to practice their religion, and refuse to denounce the Dalai Lama despite China's demands that they do so.
Tibetan filmmakers have been imprisoned for attempting to tell their story. When will China's soul become more important than it's face (the last thing China needs to do is mimic the Western pattern of denial)?
Crossposted at Roots of Humanity.
Featured Friend: Queen Minority
Reporting on the underreported with grace and style, Queen Minority is a force in 'the movement' for underrepresented culture, at the age of 19. A liberal unafraid to stand for views that may not be considered liberal (such as being pro-life with the exception towards circumstances impacting victims of rape- and those with medical conditions), Queen Minority brings a fresh voice to the unconventional women of color rising from the underground with determination and endless style *_^

Shine on Queen.
Visit her digital realm of hearts, stars, and skull and crossbones donning girly bows:
Vegan MoFo
Our official contribution to Vegan Mofo: Vegan Month of food is a collection of recipes that were prepared in Issue#6 of Purple Magazine. It wasn't initially intended for Vegan Mofo, but fell in line with the call for Vegan recipes to be posted during the month of October.
Here's a gem from the Green Soul cookbook:
Green Empanadas
There's always a smile in the house when these are prepared. The recipe can definitely be modified to your taste but I highly recommend keeping the spinach a part of it, as the flavor is insanely good!
Make discs of pastry flour out of 2 cups flour, sparing amount of water to desired consistency, and opt'l tsp of apple cider vinegar, by rolling them out with a rolling pin or a glass bottle after the dough has chilled in the refridgerator for at least 15 minutes. You can make very large discs or many small ones.
Add sauteed veggies such as spinach, zucchini bits, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms (you can use olive oil, coconut oil and even vegan butter) to one half of the discs, careful not to under or overfill. Sprinkle Nut-based or Soy Cheese over the vegetable filling is desired.
Fold the empanada disc in half pressing a fork down at the edges of the half moon disc to secure it closed. Place each empanada in a frying pan coated with coconut oil (sometimes you can fit more than one) and let each side cook for about 2-3 minutes on medium-low heat (may vary from stove to stove).
Place finished discs on a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb excess oil (coconut oil isn't ridiculously oily so there may not be a grand need for the paper towel as the empanadas will soak most of it up.
Blessings on your kitchens, Greenies *_^
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Cadillac Records (Trailer)
Looking forward to Mos' performance, and it's looking like Beyonce (or Sasha Fierce) brought some reality to her role as well, which is impressive. One can't half-step on Etta James.
This is just a peek.
Grazi Woooha
Mos for President.
Mos, you are loved.
No embeddables are currently available for the hilarity and brilliance that is Mos Def for President.
Peep it here.
Ridonkulously Fly Digital Palette
The virtuo digital palette makes clean-up and paint tubes run low, a thing of the past. Created by Yana Klimava the set comes with a digital canvas and pallete, paintbrush, palette knife, airbrush and pastel stick.
Using Bluetooth technology to communicate with the computer, the invention allows painters to 'mix' paint as they normally would, as well as create brush strokes that accurately record the pressure needed to create an effect that would be identical on a traditional canvas. The virtuo also disallows erasing, causing users to have to paint over mistakes as one would with conventional canvases.
Extreme Props.
Gracious thanks to NerdWithSwag for the intel.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bless you Mr. Davis
You can also contact the Governor of Georgia, and Coca-Cola (thankyou Francis Holland for the suggestion) who has headquarters in Georgia, to make clear the fact that innocence matters, during this time of opportunity in the 25-day stay of execution. Demand clemency for the innocent. It is time for Troy to go home.
Governor Sonnie Perdue
State of Georgia
State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia
ATTN: Stop the Execution of Troy Davis
Phone: 404-656-1776 Fax: 404-657
The Coca-Cola Company
P.O. Box 1734
Atlanta, GA 30301
Ask Coca-Cola, email us or call 1-800-GET-COKE (U.S. only).
NOTE: The contact numbers below are for media only. (Bloggers are crucial members of the media, in this blogger's opinion.)
Ray Crockett, Coca-Cola FoodService T -
(404) 676-1070
(404) 512-6339
Anne Reeves, Fitzgerald+CO PRT -
(404) 266-7551C - (404) 578-7604
Bless Troy Davis. He's been granted a 25 day stay of execution.
Your letters, petitions, and outpouring of concern are bringing this man justice. Please continue to make noise, and thankyou for taking the time to help this innocent brother who feel victim to the two-headed American justice system.
Advocates such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former president Jimmy Carter and the Pope have spoken in support of Troy, in addition to the 300,000 individuals who took the time to act.
Sign the new justice matters petition:
Keep your fists in the air, and hope alive. Justice will prevail.
"Justus" is on its way out.
Thankyou Saudade, and Villager for the heads up.
Brunch @ Harriet’s
For details and/or RSVP email:
Grazi Clutch and Minority Report
Phife's kidney transplant is a success
Phife's lengthy battle with diabetes has taken a helpful turn with the success of his recent kidney transplant. Having lost a great deal a weight during the two year wait, while undergoing dialysis treatment, Phife's admission has been that he had not taken the best care of himself (eating fatty-sugar-starchy foods, and even consuming alcohol which is prohibited for diabetics), which led to high blood sugar levels and shut down his body significantly.
Q-Tip is hopeful about the effectiveness of the procedure stating,
“He’s doing great," exclaimed Q-Tip to AllHipHop.com. “He just had a successful kidney transplant so shouts out to Phife diggity dog!”
Serious good vibrations on your recovery, Phife.
Props to 9 Elements
Friday, October 24, 2008
Lakeesha Alert: Tekenya Wooten of Durham NC
She's found and unharmed!
More details through this link:
Amber alerts don't seem to apply to children of color, so we're issuing a Lakeesha alert for 12 year old Tekenya Wooten, a girl-child who is 8 months pregnant, and somehow hasn't been considered High-Risk by the Durham Police department who hung up on Villager, when he called asking that Tekenya's case be raised to High Risk status, to fit the criteria for an Amber alert.
It is the same old song of segregated rights that crucial blogs like Deidra Robey's Black and Missing know so well. If we don't apply collective pressure for our children, and any in need in our communities, there is a strong likelihood no one will bat an eye in the way of assistance.
We are asking that you take action for Tekenya. Please blog this to raise awareness, Twitter it, and etc, but also email the "officials" of Durham NC, to express your desire that they show leadership and intent to find this child, who at 12 years of age should be in a safe place receiving prenatal care. The fact that she was in a group home when she was declared missing, and has been considered a runaway, is disturbing to say the least. Why would she runaway, if all was well in the group home, and how did such a young child become pregnant?
We MUST come together to ensure the safety of our children and communities.
The emails and phone numbers of the local officials and media are listed below along with a template letter you can base your email on if you wish. Please email, place a call or both. If you have media ties, please contact them. Let's apply the pressure needed to find Tekenya:
The News & Observer *
(919) 829-4500,
(Ask for the 'News Department')
(919) 821-8600
Fax: (919) 821-8541 *
Updated Alert from WRAL
Durham Police Department -
Chief Jose Lopez, Sr.
(919) 560-4322
Durham City Manager-
Thomas Bonfield
(919) 560-4222
Durham Child Protective Services
* Diane Pankey (919) 560-8424
William V. "Bill" Bell
Office of the Mayor
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4333 ext. 269
Fax: (919) 560-4801
Cora Cole-McFadden
City Council Member (Ward 1)
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4396 ext. 277 or 477-2484
Fax: (919) 560- 4801
Farad Ali
City Council Member (At-Large)
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: 560-4396
Fax: 560-4801
E-mail: farad.ali@durhamnc.gov
Eugene A. Brown
City Council member (At-Large)
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4396 ext. 274
Fax: (919) 560-4801
Diane Catotti
City Council member (At-Large)
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4396 ext. 278
Fax: (919) 560-4801
Howard Clement, III
City Council member (Ward 2)
City Hall: | 101 City Hall Plaza Durham, NC 27701 Phone: (919) 560-4396 Fax: (919) 560-4801 Howard.Clement@durhamnc.gov |
Office: | 411 W. Chapel Hill Street Durham, NC 27701 Phone: (919) 682-5211 Fax: (919) 683-1694 |
Mike Woodard
City Council Member (Ward 3)
City Hall:
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4396 ext. 276
Fax: (919) 560-4801
Email: mike.woodard@durhamnc.gov
Here is my letter to them:
I am writing to request information regarding the process by which the local police department has determined that the missing child Tekenya Wooten is considered a runaway rather than a HIGH RISK case. Tekenya Wooten is a 12 year old girl child who is 8 months pregnant. She requires prenatal care, especially considering how young she is to be carrying a child in her small body.
It is highly unlikely young Miss Wooten ran away unless there was a threat to her and/or her child, and if there is evidence of such threat it needs to be investigated to ensure her safety. If she was raped, it is possible there could be danger coming from her attacker, as she is so close to term. It is also possible that if her pregnancy is the result of a rape, her attacker may have abducted her.
Your community, and the international community at large need to know that missing children of any heritage are searched for tirelessly, with full intent to keep communities safe. This charge is the responsibility of local government first. Please send word on whether or not an official statement has been made on this matter, how the determination was come by, and take into consideration the will of community activists around the world taking interest in this case who are demanding Tekenya wooten be classified as HIGH RISK.
I am one of many making that demand.
Thankyou for your time.
I look forward to your response."
Afrosphere/International Community Organizers: You can adjust this letter and base a template off of it, if you wish, but please take action today.
This is a call to the Afrosphere and Community Organizers around the globe to do something immediately, for swift resolution that does not drag on indefinitely.
Purple Magazine Issue #6: Modern Myth
It's here *_^
Enjoy the archetypal seeds in this
volume, and do share your own for
next year's Modern Myth issue
or extend some holistic, green goodness
for the Spring Issue.
In this issue you can enjoy the otherworldy grace of Saudade, our green tinged contribution to Vegan Mofo (Vegan Month of Food), The wisdom of Boston Fielder, the black Angels on our underground radar, Lesley Ann Brown's practical assistance for Black ex-pat sistahs, the sister healing of Ymib's Ericka Taylor, Grungecake splendor with YAMS, The Uninterrupted determination of Mama Moon, and the perceptual kiss of Kaos Blac, Ise Lyfe and Dwarfstarr's Phokus the artist to name just a bit *_^
Enjoy the free download:
The Bag of stardust compilation is now
officially accepting Mp3's (Keep it moderately
pg-15... innuendo is good - thug life ain't gettin it...)
Deadline: Decemberish (The compilation is intended for release before
the end of the year- fly joints first come are the fly joints first served).
The print issue is available here:
You can request .jpg's of issue pages if you or your work appear in the
issue. Drop a line to: purplemag@gmail.com
Mythic contest update: The Mythic contest did not draw contestants,
and cannot announce a winner at this time.
Maybe, next time?
More word in the future if the contest is run again.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Bold As Love Speaks With California King
California King from Rob Fields on Vimeo.
They are tre' heartable.
Bold As Love's Listening Post: California King- 2012
Visit their dimension:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cell OUT
Please do not use your phones from 12 noon to 6pm as part of a protest against the raping and pillaging of the Congo for the coltan used in worldwide wireless devices.
Josh M says:
The Cell OUT is an organized cell phone usage boycott from 12pm - 6pm on October 22nd to bring awareness of the Congo conflict over the natural resouces. Coltan, used in many electronic devices has caused many Congolese people to be killed since 1996. Why?
- Nearly 6 million people have died in the Congo since 1996 due to a scramble for Congo’s spectacular natural resources.
- Coltan is a key source of the conflict in the Congo. It is a mineral widely used in numerous electronic devices such as cell phones and game consoles (Microsoft X-Box and Sony Play Station) and is mined illegally in the Congo by rebel militia and foreign forces then sold to multinational corporations.
- The boycott is to bring awareness to the war in the Congo, which started in 1996 and continues to this day with 45,000 people dying each month till today. We would like to invite organizations on college campuses and in the community to support us in our endeavor to raise awareness about the atrocities taking place in the Congo.
What do I do during the Boycott?
- Turn your phone off from 12 noon to 6 pm on Wednesday October 22, 2008. No texting!
- Change your voicemail to this: “Did you know that Congo has anywhere from 64 - 80 percent of the world's reserve of Coltan, a natural resource that is central to the operation of our cell phones? As we benefit from coltan nearly 6 million Congolese have died in the deadliest conflict since world war two as a result of the scramble for coltan and other minerals key to the functioning of modern technology. Join us in solidarity with the Congolese people and turn your phone off for a day”
For more information: www.congoweek.org | www.friendsofthecongo.org
Grazi Josh
Crossposted at RootsofHumanity.
B.L.A.C Minerals
With the recent trend of mineral makeup and everybody going green, b.l.a.c Minerals decided to help create a healthier planet by creating a line that is completely pure. While many cosmetics companies have started to use minerals and natural products, few have made an effort to appeal to ethnic women and their skin. B.l.a.c. Minerals saw the great demand for a product such as this and developed a unique line in response.
-Clutch Mag Online
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Is The Federal Reserve Launching War On US Citizens?
(NaturalNews) In 1942, German intelligence officers rounded up skilled Jewish prisoners and launched Operation Bernhardt, a clever scheme designed to counterfeit hundreds of millions of dollars worth of British Pounds and destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit money. Located in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Operation Bernhardt was, even by modern standards, a runaway success that resulted in the creation of forged bank notes worth 132 million British Pounds.
This "economic warfare" operation resulted in a devastating economic effect on the British economy. You can read the true history of this operation here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_...
It is important to note that Operation Bernhardt was an act of war, specifically pursued for the purpose of destroying Britain's economy by creating so much new money that the value of the money already in circulation would plummet. This was considered a strategic attack, just as effective as carpet-bombing tank factories or mowing down soldiers on the field with German-made MG42 machine guns.
What does all this have to do with the Federal Reserve?
Today, the Federal Reserve is engaged in an eerily similar operation, counterfeiting trillions of dollars in U.S. bank notes and flooding the U.S. money supply with money created from nothing. The result, of course, is the same as was intended by Operation Bernhardt in 1942: The economic destruction of the target nation. Only this time, the target is the United States of America.
Hilariously, the Fed claims it's doing this to save the economy.
Read More
The Wealth Of The Congo
Crossposted at RootsofHumanity
This week join Break the Silence during Congo week
There was a film and panel discussion at Howard as well as a talent show dedicated to the people of Congo on Monday October 20, and you can still participate in the 'Cell-out' all day on Wednesday, October 22. There will also be a teach-in on October 24th.
Blog to raise awareness. Include this in your podcasts. Stand in solidarity. Awaken and raise the smelling salts for others.
Josh Myers has written an enlightening piece about this:
"An estimated 6 million people have died since 1996. That is 45,000 people per month. This is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Here we have yet another example of the devaluing of black or African life and of the necessity of our fight to reclaim the humanity of all African people. Why? Because amid these atrocities, there has up until recently not been a peep heard from the international community. And even now, not many can point to this region on the map let alone tell anyone what is going on. So we will attempt to inform you now.
Lying literally in the heart of Africa, the vast region that comprises the nation-state, Democratic Republic of the Congo is very important to Africa and its future. Leaders and historians such as George Washington Williams, Kwame Nkrumah, and even Barack Obama have researched, wrote about, or mentioned the Congo on numerous occasions. In his work, the Challenge of the Congo,Kwame Nkrumah sets forth a strategic agenda premised on the Congo’s importance to the liberation of the whole of Africa. Set aside as the personal playground, for King Leopold II, the Belgian government was allocated what was now known as the Congo at the Berlin Conference in 1884. As the Congolese fought for their independence, the first prime minister of the Congo, Patrice Emery Lumumba, recognized the need for Congolese people to benefit from the very resources that came from their native land and was extracted on their backs. This caused great controversy from the Western powers, including this country, which plotted to and eventually assassinated Lumumba in one of the more heinous assassinations in the contemporary history of Africa. Lumumba’s vision of a free Congo and a free Africa was too much for the West to stomach. Lumumba was replaced by a more manageable and eventually destructive Joseph Mobutu and the plight of the Congolese further worsened. Mobutu chose to lead the Congo towards its destruction by complying with the mandates of Western imperialism.
The very thing that draws the international economic powers to the Congo is the same thing that prevents or inhibits their action of at the very least exposing the atrocities of the region. These are the vast resources that can be found in the region. The Congo is home to immense mineral wealth in the form of diamonds, gold, silver, copper, zinc, uranium, iron, cobalt, and many more. Its rivers could provide electricity to the whole of Africa, and even half of Europe. Its soil could produce the agricultural potential to feed the entire world through 2050 when the population will be an estimated 9 billion people. Why then are so many Africans malnourished? It is simply the rape of these needed resources that is causing the secondary problems of wars, diseases, and women being raped. As long as this wealth is being used to prop up Western society, the Congolese will continue to suffer. The West has even aided the Congo’s neighboring countries to engage in conflict in order to get their hands on some of the mineral wealth. Congo holds 80% of the world’s reserve of coltan. Where does it go? It is in your pocket or in your bag. Coltan is found in every cell phone, computer, Xbox, Playstation, and many other electronic devices."
Read More
Call For Solidarity: Please Take A Moment To Save Troy's Life.
Peace All
For those who have followed Troy Davis' case, you may know that the new date of execution has been set for Oct 27.
You may not know that there are still very important actions we can take. Our voices will make a difference again if we create a deluge of opposition to the miscarriage of justice that has taken place in Troy Davis' case. This is an action of solidarity and also one of duty. If we intend to keep any hard won freedoms, we have to knock barricades to justice over without hesitation. It is up to us to save this man.
Please blog about this. Post Free Troy Davis avatars and banners. Include his story in your podcasts along with links to amnestyusa.org and troyanthonydavis.org so others can take swift decisive action.
I know we can collectively cause his execution to be stayed again. We were successful before. Those activists before us were successful the first time. Let's let this be the time they throw the option of execution out the window permanently.
Thankyou for your time.
Please read the following suggestions from NAN (you can easily copy and paste their sample letter into the online contact form of the health site they give you, to plead with the "Doctor" set to perform the execution- as it goes against his hippocratic oath to "DO NO HARM"), as well as send a letter to the Georgia Board of Pardons here:
Amnesty USA action
NAN action:
Send Throughout the Internet
The Death Sentence of Troy Davis
http://www.counterp unch.org/ maass10162008. html
From: Valerie Testman
Subject: NAN ATL: Let's Stop The Execution Of Troy Anthony Davis
Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 11:20 AM
Dear National Action Network (NAN) ATL Members,
http://www.nationalactionnetwork. net/
As you may already know, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear Troy Davis' case. Hence, Georgia Department of Corrections has re-scheduled the execution for October 27, 2008.
We here at the National Action Network continue to support and be prayerful that Troy Davis will not be executed.
If you believe Troy Davis is innocent and will be wrongly executed, please act now. Please review the following and give Troy Davis your support.
Thank You
The Executive Committee
National Action Network, Atlanta Chapter
-------------------------How TO: --------------------------
We have planned a series of actions to unfold in the coming week in
response to the scheduled execution of Troy Davis on Monday, October
27, 2008 at 7pm.
The first action is to contact the doctor whose company has a
contract with the GA Department of Corrections (GDC) to participate
in executions. GDC policy dictates that two doctors must be present
to allow for an execution to be carried out. This is of course in
addition to the other medical professionals who facilitate executions
including nurses that prepare the IVs through which poison will flow
to Troy Davis' veins.
Please take a moment to send a letter (sample included below) to Dr.
Musso, president of Rainbow Medical Associates and ask him to
remember his humanity and decide NOT to participate in the execution
of a man who may be innocent.
The American Medical Associate Code of Medical Ethics explicitly
provide that "A physician, as a member of the profession dedicated to
preserving life when there is hope of doing so, should not be a
participant in a state execution." With these letters, we will
remind Dr. Musso of his oath to facilitate healing, not killing.
There are three ways you can send this letter:
1) Fax it to 770-692-4754.
2) Snail mail (only if sent before 10/22) to Carlo Musso, MD,
President, CorrectHealth, 9020 Peridot Parkway, Stockbridge, GA 30281
3) On the internet: copy and paste the letter in their online
contact form at: http://www.correcthealth.org/ contact
After you take action, please forward this message to your lists.
Thanks so much!
With hope,
Cut and paste this template word for word, or in a letter in your own words into
the contact form at this website: http://www.correcthealth.org/
If you can also fax this letter and mail it to the number and mailing address above it will be helpful.
---------------------------------Template Letter-------------------------
October 16, 2008
Carlo Musso, MD.
President, Rainbow Medical Associates
c/o CorrectHealth
9020 Peridot Parkway
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Dear Dr. Musso,
We are writing today to urge you and your company, Rainbow Medical
Associates, to decline involvement with the pending execution of Troy
Anthony Davis on October 27, 2008 at 7:00pm at Georgia Diagnostic &
Classification Prison in Jackson, Georgia.
The execution of Troy Davis would be immoral and wrong. Almost all
of the witnesses against him have recanted or changed their stories
and no physical evidence was used to convict him. The courts and the
parole board have failed to use their power to prevent this imminent
miscarriage of justice. However, Troy Davis' execution cannot take
place unless human beings participate. You can refuse to help the
state of Georgia put Troy Davis to death.
The American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics explicitly
provides that "A physician, as a member of the profession dedicated
to preserving life when there is hope of doing so, should not be a
participant in a state execution." We implore you to remember your
humanity and respect you and your firm's oath to facilitate healing,
not killing.
We thank you in advance for choosing not to participate in the
execution of a man who may well be innocent. Such an act would be
irreversible, immoral and deeply damaging to the reputation of our
state and the confidence in our justice system.
Your Name
Email and/or Phone Number
The Solar Cooker Project
I have been wondering why solar technology was not being offered to Darfur, but Cooper at Darfur a Hell On Earth has published intel on a project doing just that.
Visit the: Solar Cooker Project
$30 SOLAR COOKER Support Provides: - Donate
* 2 Solar Cookers per family
* 2 Pots
* 2 Pot Holders
* Year supply of plastic bags
* Skills Training for refugee women and girls
Thank you Cooper
Audiovisual Splendor- Fly Gypsy ft. Kuku production by Alexei Tendayi) - Liberated Muse
The Green party still has my vote (Go Cynthia and Rosa! Two sistahs who ain't playin' the game. Period). I love a candidate whose track record speaks for itself. The Green Party stands for reparations, women's rights, a green planet and the list goes on. I am however, in favor of any leader who possesses integrity (and as Farrakhan would say "The testicular fortitude" whether female or male) to stand for our rights.
Komplex gets nuff respect again for the following gem:
Anyway you slice it, it is time for hope to be realized. Feel it in the air.
Know it is manifesting. The days of corruption are coming to a close... Just be prepared for dirty folk to play dirty games as their window of opportunity closes permanently. It's temporal. Truth lasts. Keep your head up and stand up.
Shine on possessors of heartlights. Shine on *_^
Monday, October 20, 2008
Healing America With Indigenous Vision
(Indian Country Today) An indigenous vision to heal America: There is only one path that I see for America to truly become a land of life, liberty and justice for all. That path is to heal itself through an uncompromisingly honest acknowledgment and thorough addressing of its atrocities and lies. Without this, our country will continue to act out of ignorance, fear, greed and an obsessive need to forcefully control human lives, both domestically and internationally. Humanity has experienced time and again how a history rooted in dysfunction and unsustainability feeds the fire of self-destruction. As sure as the Roman Empire collapsed and a drug addict smiles as his last dose ushers him to death, the United States will continue to blindly and, in some cases, consciously inflict suffering at home and abroad if it does not acknowledge and address the truth of its past and current actions.
Read More