Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We seriously have to get on the ball, and check the widespread damage corporate interests have intentionally created, before further deterioration of resources, and peace force us to focus on nothing else.
It can get so bad that we have to snap into action, but we should be brainstorming before it gets worse than it already is. This call to action includes all of us, in whatever small or profound way we can take action. It's our duty as breathing sentient beings on this planet to be aware, and take action for the betterment of our communities.
Watching the vid below, I was deeply disturbed and hope more people will wake up, and take an active interest in ensuring green living, fair trade, and the championing of small and indie business. Feeding these corporations, feeds disease. We all feel the weight of it, but we are all much more powerful than we've realized. It's time for us to tap our power by raising our voices, and spending our money responsibly.

Without water, we have nothing.

1 comment:

msladyDeborah said...

Resources are definitely an issue that we'd really need to be aware of and working on-like yesterday.
Flow definitely will be on my must see list of films.

I have enjoyed my visit to the ultravioletunderground.
I've listened to some interesting music. Enjoyed the different styles that you have featured here.