Friday, March 6, 2009

It's official. The 'Can You Feel it' Fast begins Sunday.

Some of you in the twitterverse have already committed to participate in the fast that recently emerged from the meta-mind of Jay Elec. Peep his feed for updates, as well as
You can also follow with hashtags: #09twitterfastcanyoufeelit

Something like 1750 people have already committed.

The fast begins on March 8, officially, and is slated to last for 72 hours. The goal is to slay the lower aspects of your character.
e.g Laziness, procrastination, etc...

Def share your experiences. I personally needed this kick in the shin, as I recently procrastinated on my 2 day fasting appt. Needless to say, I will be participating, with lots of positive thought and intention sending. Prior meditation/chanting is def recommended.

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