Haiti’s poor eat mud cookies
London: Cookies made of mud – that is what the poor in Haiti are being forced to eat, thanks to rising food prices in the Caribbean nation.
The biscuits, made from dried yellow clay mixed with water, salt and vegetable shortening or margarine, have become a staple for Haitians who are unable to afford even a plate of rice, The Daily Telegraph reported.
The cookies, known as “terre,” taste smooth but suck out the moisture from the mouth as soon as they touch the tongue, leaving an unpleasant earthy aftertaste that lingers for hours.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation recently declared a state of emergency in Haiti. According to the U.N. agency, food prices have gone up by almost 40 per cent in the wake of floods and crop damage caused by hurricanes.
Haitian doctors say people who depend on the biscuits for sustenance risk malnutrition. Dr. Gabriel Thimothee, executive director of the Health Ministry, said: “Trust me, if I see someone eating those cookies, I will discourage it.” — PTI
The following aid agencies are accepting contributions to help Haiti's poor. The list is from InterAction, a coalition of aid agencies, which can be contacted at InterAction at 202-667-8227 or http://www.interaction.org.
ADRA International
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
(800) 424-2372
1134 11th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 371-8722
American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 241-7000
See all assisting agencies to help
Thankyou for the word, Lavish
Thursday, January 31, 2008
We Cannot Allow Our Brothers and Sisters to Eat Mud
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Be Kind, Rewind
We love us some Mos and Jack Black, so naturally we will find it difficult to wait for their movie
'Be Kind, Rewind'.
This movie is ridiculously original.
We will all have to be as content as we can with the trailer...
Indiefied- Blu 'Just Another Day'
Blu manages to maintain his consciousness, and remain relateable.
Much Respect is due. Enjoy some flavor that didn't make it to the 'Below the Heavens' album.
Blu - just another day
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Thanks Okayplayer
Saul's Tar-Spangled Banner Tour
"Saul Williams has plotted a course for his "The Tar Spangled Banner Tour" in support of his latest album, The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! The album was produced by Trent Reznor and released online by FADER Mag's record label in a pay-what-you-please scheme similar to what Radiohead did with their new album. It is available 100% DRM -free from NiggyTardust.com and includes PDF artwork."
Tour dates:
12 SXSW , Austin, TX
13 SXSW , Austin, TX
17 Plaza Club, Vancouver BC
18 Aladdin, Portland, OR
19 Neumo's, Seattle WA
21 Slims, San Francisco, CA
22 Club Mercy, Santa Barbara, CA
24 Casbah, San Diego, CA
25 Troubadour, Los Angeles, CA
26 Clubhouse, Tempe, AZ
Spoken word performances:
27 Chandler Gilbert Community College, Phoenix, AZ
28 Estrella Mountain Community College, Phoenix, AZ
29 Launchpad, Albuquerque, NM
31 The Loft, Dallas, TX
01 Warehouse Live Studio, Houston, TX
03 The Parish, New Orleans, LA
04 The Loft, Atlanta. GA
06 Ramshead, Annapolis, MD
07 930 Club, Washington, DC
08 Paradise, Boston, MA
09 Irving Plaza, NY, NY
11 Trocadero, Philadelphia, PA
12 Iron Horse, Northampton, MA
13 La Tulipe, Montreal, QC
14 Mod Club, Toronto, ONT
16 Blind Pig, Ann Arbor, MI
17 Grog Shop, Cleveland, OH
18 Martyrs, Chicago, IL
19 Varsity Theatre, Minneapolis, MN
21 Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO
22 Belly Up, Aspen, CO
23 Kilby Court, Salt Lake City, UT
More info at Mog
Black Lily Presents: Plenty of Good Woman Dancers, Feb 6
Black Lily presents: Plenty of Good Woman Dacers
Feb 6
7-9 PM
@ Bryn Mawr Film Institute in Philly
(824 W. Lancaster Avenue)
Admission is 9.25/6.50 for students, Parking is free.
For more information see: BlackLily and brynmawrfilm.org
Madskillz 'Crazy World'
Skillz, you get mad respect for this video.
'I want change', indeed...
Apologies for the delay.
I've been saying this for the longest...
Leaders from our place of origin are asking for support from it's people in the U.S.
The Motherland shouldn't have to ask. Period.
Never forget where you came from.
Read more at Clutch Magazine.
Amen, GoldyRoxx, Amen.
GoldyRoxx's Diary of a Misfit has won a reader.
I'm sincerely feeling her sentiments on a comment I didn't even know No Cents had uttered (Though I'm far from surprised-The synapses of unconscious folks don't fire properly)...
From Diary of a Misfit:
Friday, January 13
Here we have it, more proof that 50 Cent as well as Bush doesn't 'care about black people'.
In this interview, he describes his music as 'confrontational'... give me an effing break. Public Enemy was 'confrontational'... this is a gun-toting, stereotype perpetuating buffoon who somehow gets away with releasing the same goddamn track over and over again!
And this politically apathetic statement confirms for me all my worst fears about this man - he simply exists to exploit his community and has no interest whatsoever in wielding his influence except to attract more young black men to a lifestyle designed to kill them.
I say BOYCOTT THE F*@$ ER!!!!!
PZ: The Associated Press article that inspired her post can be found in her dimension through the link below.
Read More
Visit her Myspace and peep the January 08 Indiefied feature about her through the label links below.
Created by The Young Black Professional Guide to increase exposure and aid networking of blogs featuring Black Culture, rsspect.org is a headline feedreader you will want to acquire.
Thanks Villager, for the word.
Indiefied- Pat's Justice
Changing the system from the inside, and uplifting his culture by countering sabotage within 'the system', Pat's Justice a.k.a Greg Bell, deserves maximum exposure.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Acoustic Healing Salve- Gnarls Barkley 'Run'
Listen: Gnarls Barkley-Run
Thanks, Okayplayer
Indiefied- Pikahsso on Feb 1
You can still volunteer to help Pikahsso help The Homeless.
Contact: Jazzy Williams 214.418.1552
Enjoy some flavor:
Conscious HipHop is more than words. It's action based in awareness. Thankyou for leading Pikhasso.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
For The Love of Vintage Albums
Several weeks back, Okayplayer Jean Grey with track Guru 9th Wonder, placed their likenesses 'pon reproductions of covers for Public Enemy, Das Efx and Black Sheep to name a few, as they prepare the forthcoming disc 'Jeanius', within which all of the samples are done by Jeanius and 9th Wonder, rendering all previous leaks powerless.
Erykah Badu's video for 'Honey' has leaked or released this weekend, and is also paying homage to vintage albums with her likeness and additional embedded messages for the keen-eyed.
More on Badu's future plans for three albums in '08 and a forthcoming magazine named 'Freaq', here.
It's a clever play on the reality many of us acknowledge.
Returning to the Elders is definitely a healing practice, and breaks up the monotony of corporate played-as-hell (props to Badu for the 'Thugged Out Wakeup Call' Cover...) mimicry of what has already died and become fertilizer for acts the
MSM is too dim to admit the glory of.
Really, we're tired of the duplicated ridiculousness.
Come correct. The Mainstream Industry's pockets are already getting checked.
Wake up and give the people what they want.
Acoustic Healing Salve: Cree Summer 'Savior Self'
Love you for this message and video Pirate Sister, Cree.
Personal spirituality requires the willingness to stand for truth, and make necessary sacrifices to restore balance where we and our family (Global Family included) may have caused imbalance.
Crystalheads- Conscious Expansion in The Whole Heath Expo
Life is meant to be lived. Today reminded me of that.
The Whole Health Expo opened up my inner world today, because I have been hoping to connect with kindred/like-minded folks who can network together and raise the energy through Grassroots efforts, Holistic/Metaphysical/Green products and movements, and Conscious Indie Arts. Consciousness is practical and doesn't have to be trumped up or overly costumed. Taking the 'Hollywood-Overly-Mystified' propaganda out of what major messengers have come to this plane to share with us in VERY similar words, is essential so more folks can realize that you are no more spiritual in a robe than in a pair of kix, and sweats. You are either resonating with the heart or you are not. Your clothes and a stick of incense won't necessarily restore your core, unless you're really intending to grow and heal.
More and more, I've been connecting with kindred souls and I couldn't be more grateful.
The universe is an intricate and beautiful creation. It's lovely to know we are all co-creating and have the power to heal the damage done to this pale blue dot we call Earth, the more we raise our individual and collective consciousness...
I met some beautiful beings this afternoon and will be elaborating about them in this post.
The Tesla Inspired Purple Plates from FrequencyAwareness.com (The founder of this company is fabulous)
and PurplePlates.com
(You really have to try them to believe it...I would be extremely surprised if even the most diehard skeptic tried it and felt nothing change for the positive in their energy). Reiki is fantastic. I have healed many an ailment or imbalance with the Chi that Reiki energy is, but these Purple plates are like Reiki energy X 100 (which is saying something because Reiki is strong), and they won't cost you a fortune (see the Sidebar to sign up for complimentary distance Reiki healing --- Chi can be transmitted just like reading energy can be done from long distance- Energy knows no space or time as really... space and time are illusion, so energy work doesn't have to be done in person to be effective).
Purple plates are constructed according to frequencies noted by Nicola Tesla as being harmonious.
More info is available through the above sites.
Also download the free ebook from Frequency Awareness here.
My son gravitated to this booth, and you know, it's a very interesting movement/spiritual school for conscious living, based on light, sound, and knowing we are souls who have come here for a purpose. Worth versing yourself in, if you dig seeing how the universal laws are expressed as spiritual principles from school to school.
Thankyou to Adriana for taking the time to talk with an interested young man about higher vibrations.
Words can't express how fabulous this women's line of holistic products is. The cremes leave your skin feeling like silk ( not an exaggeration), and you can actually pronounce the names of the ingredients her products contain ( a very good thing...). Innovation, quality presentation and major health benefit put Adarios at the top of her field.
She doesn't half-step. Not even a little.
Natural, organic, and infused with warmth and the joy generated from performing a labour of love, her products are formulated to nourish and provide the maximum benefits nature has to offer in any given combination of lush fruits, herbs and vegetables.
Ada and her family are seriously inspirational.
More to come...
Detox-America's Deltox Ion Generator
You'd have to see it to believe it. Somewhat like Kinoki foot pads, these pull the toxins in your body out through your feet. The machines can be financed for merchants. Seriously, no joke.
Of course I had to connect with some of these phenomenal people and offer to share their vibes with the UltravioletUnderground/Purple Magazine audience. I was passing out those cards, chyle...
On a mission.
Expect updates. Look out for some of the merchants in Purple Magazine issues as well...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Call For Solidarity Archives
Stand for Justice - Call For Solidarity

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Click here for archived Call For Solidarity campaigns and information. Archived Jena 6 information and videos beyond this link

Join Roots of Humanity on the 27th of each month in a blog campaign to restore humane response.

End Female Genital Mutilation-Sign The Petition
Virtual March for Jena 6

Thanks Darfur: An Unforgivable Hell On Earth for announcing this powerful image.

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Find the rest of the banners here
Donate to the Trust Fund for Megan Williams

We Demand Safe Environments and Justice For Our Youth
Palmdale California, The New Jena?
Charges reduced for Jena 6 Youth
Watch an interview with members of the Jena 6
Part 1
Part 2
Enjoys John Cougar Mellencamp's video protest song 'Jena'
The Stand Continues: Mos Def Organizes Jena 6 Protest on Oct 1 Via Viral Video
Sign the petition
Click here to Join the ongoing Virtual March. You CAN make a difference.

Virtual Marchers Across The Globe Take a Stand for Jena 6
See the 'Blogging For Jena 6 Justice' Press Release
Visit http://jena6.vesana.com/takeaction to donate (click the donate button at the top left of the information square)
John Conyers Calls for Congressional Hearings on Jena Six
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