Freedom Fighters numbering in the many gave their energy, dedication, lives and loyalty to ensure an environment of true equality would exist in a country that already claimed to stand for justice and diversity. These Freedom Fighters were beaten, killed, and imprisoned under false charges. They were defamed and met with immense opposition by those content to ensure division remained to afford the privilege of a few that the many would pay for, by living at a substandard level.
Many of us have become complacent while enjoying many of these freedoms bought and paid for with the blood of our ancestors. Even now as we speak 6 members our youth are facing what is most likely the most terrifying experience of their young lives in Jena Louisiana, because they assumed in this era there would not be barriers like "whites only" areas that they could not frequent. They assumed their psyches would not be assaulted with images of nooses hanging from trees when they sat under a tree that had seemed to be reserved for White students after asking school officials for permission and receiving the green light. They assumed they would not be attacked with racial slurs and violence.
Were they wrong to assume this in 2007? I mean, a black candidate is running for Presidency. Oprah's empire is loved by many of all cultures. Interracial relationships are barely blinked at any longer... Aren't we progressing?
Could they have really anticipated that they would be provoked into a physical altercation that would leave the white students nearly blameless and them facing sentences that would take most of their young lives by subjecting them to imprisonment... for a fight they were goaded into?
And more importantly what are we going to do about it, not only for our youth but in honor to our ancestors? Can some of the "bling"in our community be donated to the Jena 6 Defense Fund? Will our celebrities stand and say "No!" ? Will the coverage of this case be more important than indulging ourselves in the freedoms only some of us are enjoying?
My heart says Yes. We will stand.
You can sign the petition. You can spread the word. You can go to Louisiana and march in September. You can donate to the defense fund. You can support the youth.
Please see the information at the top of the sidebar for information and resources, including previous Jena 6 posts at UltravioletUnderground and other sites.
Click for the FAIR media contact list to share your sentiments about Jena 6 and spread the word about blogging for justice and other events you become aware of.
Peace be upon you.
Please see the other Bloggers involved in this Blogging Day for Justice
Enter the date into search in any from the full list of bloggers who reported in as participants below:
Extended List of Bloggers for Justice Miami, FL Sweden Fort Worth, TX Kansas City Haslett, Michigan Dallas, Texas Baton Rouge, LA & San Fran, CA Atlanta, GA
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My heart says Yes. We will Stand.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Freakum Dress Revisited
I do not believe I'll be able to start or end my day without this now that it has entered my life. Kyle's vitality is infectious.
God/Source/Universe bless the opensource/grassroots movement. We all have so much talent within us... And now there are plenty of tools to work with.
Bless you Kyle.
See Kyle's Youtube channel: 2TruInnovations
Remembering Katrina - A word from Oxfam
A Word From Oxfam
Exactly two years ago today, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. That moment changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in communities from Alabama to Texas. But most of us expected things to be well on the mend by now.
They're not. After two long years, many people still have no home to return to. Tens of thousands of families are living in temporary housing. The basic building blocks of communities - schools, businesses, hospitals - are still devastated.
Meanwhile, the federal government has taken a hands-off approach toward the use of billions of taxpayer dollars and the fairness of the recovery. As a result, funds are not reaching the poorest households, low wage workers engaged in the rebuilding are abused, and no one is held responsible.
Please join thousands of people across the country and call Representative Murphy 202-225-4476 to ask Congress to keep America’s promise to the Gulf Coast by increasing oversight of recovery funds and allocating more resources for the region. And then tell us what they said.
Congress' pledges have dwindled, along with funding streams. We’re hearing a lot of talk from politicians this week about helping the Gulf Coast. But after two years, do they mean it? Congress needs a wake-up call and we need your help to make sure it listens.
Congress has made a lot of promises it hasn’t kept. On this two-year anniversary, we need to remind US representatives that much work remains to be done. Please ask them to recommit themselves to a fast, effective, and fair recovery through more oversight coupled with more funding.
When all someone wants is to go home, two years is a long time to wait. Please help us today in making sure Congress does all it can for the survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Thank you for your support of the people in the Gulf Coast.
Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Acoustic Healing Salve- Emily King
I am stunned by the soulful ferocity that is Emily King's raspy yet robust grace bestowed through the realm of sound. I have heard little of this artist, signed by J Records, whose record drops today, but I am completely enraptured upon my first listen. This is no ordinary talent.
This Sistah channels another era, which makes this more than acoustic healing salve.
Why is J records sleeping on her promotion?
Many thanks to for introducing her.
Phenomenal. This album is definitely getting purchased.
Get yours. Click the blue daisy
To do some extensive listening here click the concrete dandelion
Indiefied- GreenPeach Clothing
We love the ecological grace of Green Peach and had to share the vibe with you. Using only recycled materials this Indiefied designer manifests original works for the delight of the conscious buyer. Dedicated to sustainable clothing the designer of GreenPeach uses materials that avoid disturbing the environment while offering unique swagger.
Check her etsy shop for Repurposed goods by clicking the bowing dandelion.
In the Founder of Green Peach's own words:
"I, Jenne' (designer and founder), have this theory...
Every human on this planet no matter what their circumstance has the power to help someone else or something else. we all are responsible for each other, and every other living thing (animals, plants, etc...).
Here at Green Peach, our goal is to open up Eco Fashion to those who usually think of Eco Fashion as dull and "hippy". Our planet needs help. Whether you wear sustainable clothing, or recycle your plastic bags, we must do something. We all wear clothing, why not wear sustain?"
For inquiries contact her energy mail: jneclaiborne at gmail
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Grassroute- Petitions do work...
Care dropped a lovely piece of news in my box about a certain member of the current corrupt administration resigning...
Repost of sentiments:
Tens of thousands of Care2 members had called for Alberto Gonzales' resignation, and now we have great news to share with you. The Attorney General has announced his resignation today.
Gonzales ended his two-year tenure with a controversial record and many critics. He now joins a long list of high-profile White House resignations. The embattled Attorney General was linked to a warrantless wiretapping program, the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys, and was responsible for the so-called torture memos.
His departure was long overdue.
Thanks to all of you who signed petitions. You took action and your voice was heard!
note from PZ:
Now is the time to increase the momentum of petition signing, article writing, phonecall making and etc.
Stay on it.
Sterling Ashby knows the value of archetypes
Sterling Ashby is intent to create avenues for historical appreciation in our youth,
and this has prompted him to create a line of well crafted toys that focus on historical
figures that focus on under-represented figures.
Visit his realm in the black daisy field ~~~~~~~~~*
Blessings for your Eardrum
Talib is offering a complimentary mixtape.
We love that he's making major business moves
to change the industry for the better.
Definitely acquire EarDRum and support conscious music.
Click the black rose to download it.
If perchance the black rose doesn't work for your pc,
copy and paste this url into your address bar, click 'go' and it will download:
Blogging For Justice
Please feel free to see the current roster at
Repost previously announced on
Afrosphere Jena 6 Coalition
Presents Day of Blogging for Justice
Meet our Bloggers for Justice
“Day of Blogging for Justice” Thursday August 30th
The Jena 6 issue, like Katrina, highlights deference in people’s treatment. “The Jim Crow style racism and government negligence, reflected in the Jena 6 case, are both quite worrisome. Unfortunately, the case is another incident that points to the entrenched racial and socio-economic disparities in the South, which this country has yet to fully confront,” says political scientist Dr. Sekou Franklin of Middle Tennessee State University. As the Congressional Black Caucus has noted “we must speak out against injustice and inequality. This tale of two standards depicts a pattern of gross violations”.
The Afrosphere Jena 6 Coalition “ask that the mainstream traditional media step forward and discharge their duty to provide coverage of this vitally important event to their viewers and readers and act as “the fourth institution” of governmental “checks and balance” that constitutional framers intended the press to be.”
Join us and Blog for the Jena 6 this Thursday.
Please see to sign up.
The Frog Princess
It would appear that the unveiling of potentially positive black archetypes is not only taking place on an indie level in works like 'Maji' (The books of Zambarau-Maji-Omnibus),'Metaheart/Hueman', and 'Neverknots', but also in Disney's release schedule. It doesn't get more mainstream than that...
Apparently Disney will be adding a 'black' princess to the roster of Disney princesses, that have included Arabian, Indian, Hispanic, and Asian likenesses in past animated films. The film to be released is tentatively entitled the Frog Princess, though Wikipedia advises the name has been changed to 'The Princess and the Frog'.
We will still have to wait a bit though. It's not to be released until Dec 2009 according to current forecasts, but we can see this New Orleans based story as something to look forward to perhaps.
More interestingly perhaps is the symbolism of the frog. Totemically speaking, the frog represents emotional cleansing, and healing. This is a wonderful totemic perspective for women of color, and can be seen perhaps as a positive sign as we overcome the PTSD beset upon our people, and begin to reconstruct our mythology/archetypal realities and regenerate the original spark within us after a time of serious sabotage.
For more info click the velvet rose ~~~~~~~~~&
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Modern Shaman- Observing Yourself
I've been diggin' these meditation videos 'pon the web, because they're very useful in a culture that places so much value on the audiovisual aspects of things. You may find them useful as well.
The Observing Self video isn't half bad and helps us to bring awareness back to the core of our experience through silent nonjudgemental awareness. Definitely worth 6 minutes of your time.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Remembering Aaliyah
Aaliyah brought innovation, and intensity to her musical genre, and unveiled the first of what was likely a treasure trove of layers, in her acting debut. Many of us still feel the loss.
Rest In Peace Aaliyah
You're remembered, and missed.
Jan 16 1979 - August 25 2001
Friday, August 24, 2007
Check M.I.A's album, released this week, and definitely acquire a copy of Missbehave's lovely new cover bearing her likeness. I love that Missbehave is multicultural. Refreshing.
Her lair is just this way through the rbg daisy ~~~~~~~~*
Indiefied- Mignonette
Mignonette is fly indiefied freshness.
We present you with exhibit A- The Regazza dress.
We rest our case.
We truly heart her.
Visit her cashmere realm beyond the patchwork dandelion ~~~~~~~~~@
Digital Splendor - Maji
Update (as of 1/2009):
Maji is now being published with the full title: 'The books of Zambarau- Maji Omnibus' to avoid brand confusion with two books that bare a very close titling. It is still the Maji Omnibus, as Maji (meaning water in Swahili) has strong symbolic ties with the purpose of the book.
The special edition of Maji approaches, and it's said the epic poem Metaheart will be an extra in this almost fully-loaded release. Stay tuned for a chance to win the .pdf version, with other goodies.
Reviews have described Maji's look at Original Faerie, as an adventure that stays with you.
Promoting positive multicultural archetypes in a society that has systemically implanted negative-perception-swaying archetypes representing people of diverse backgrounds, Maji's 3 volume story is a must have for any conscious parent intending to share images with their children that accurately represent them culturally and spiritually. Maji is also for the inner child, no matter the age of the fantasy freak stepping into it's dimensions. Earthskinned elves abound from a diverse village of cultures, making this a healthy alternative for any who intend to erase separatist color lines and embrace heroes of all traditions.
Recommended for Indigo's and Starchildren of all persuasions.
Metropolis-Suite 1, The Chase
The first suite is out today.
Visit Janelle Monae's galactic garden beyond the digital bloom ~~~~~~~~~*
The Modern Shaman- The Butterfly Totem
The Butterfly Totem is celebrated for its medicine because it represents the process of unfolding, and blossoming beyond the earth bound state into winged beingness. The symbolism here could be construed as rather obvious, but there is more to Butterfly's natural wisdom than meets the eye.
While most butterflies have short lifespans, the Monarch and Angelwing can live up to six months or more. Our Native American siblings regard the Butterfly as a symbol of joy, and reminder not to take life so seriously.
Our Metaphysically attuned friends at say this:
"A person with this medicine will experience tremendous soul growth in their earlier years. A difficult childhood is common. Life lessons are revealed to the consciousness while in the womb of the mother - the cocoon stage - and are completed when the caterpillar emerges into the butterfly and takes flight. Butterflies are symbols of freedom and creativity. They hold the gift of transformation and soul evolution.
Butterflies have a pair of large compound oval eyes made up of thousands of individual lenses. They can see a single image clearly and are able to perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light. This suggests clairvoyant abilities for those that hold this totem. "
If butterfly is passing through your path at this time, you are being asked to realize that you are a work in progress, glorious in your hidden beauty, and wingless perhaps, but only for a time...
Digital Splendor
As we await Brig Feltus' Debut album Love and Light Volume One, her winged troop has come bearing digital gifts for your listening splendor. The downloads are time limited, but should be available for at least a week.
A gift kissed by The Butterfly Queen
Ethered bliss sprinkled with Moondust
The Release of Brig Feltus Love and Light Volume One
Captive Libertine Recordings announces the release of Brig Feltus' debut album, Love and Light Volume One
Originally slated for July 17, the label opted to push back the album's release, giving it a fall release date of September 4. A listening party will be held preceding the release of the Indie darling's volume, and a fan only live recording of a July 10 performance in the popular Quality Collective 'Transmissions' series will be made available to friends and fans.
"We wanted to allow Brig time to focus on her performances. Her fans express continual interest in her upcoming whereabouts and much time had been taken to work on wrapping up the album. Remaining connected with her audience is important to Miss Feltus," relays a representative of Captive Libertine Recordings, LLC.
Love and Light Vol.1 is presented with a dark and somewhat mysterious aesthetic, which is curious considering the honest and poetically brazen nature of the content. She has a talent for subtly acting out her story both vocally and lyrically, that draws the listener into her songs which have a dimensional effect, as if the listener is entering a room and watching a show in the mind's eye.
"Brig creates music that is meant to be felt in more than one dimension. You can taste her music, pick up its scent and enter it. It's a very sensual experience," notes Daz, member of Brig's Dream Team.
Fans have long anticipated and requested an album of her, but Brig wished to take her time with it and be sure it was ready and in line with the original vision for each piece in the Love and Light collection. Working alongside Grammy award winning producer, Chico Bennett, her music began to take on acoustic flesh, and within three years they felt it was ready for release.
Early applause and feedback for the previews Brig Feltus granted to Myspace friends and fans confirmed their feeling.
"Awesome Music. Stay thirsty for truth."
-Speech of Arrested Development
"Wow! Brig, 'Roll'... You know I always loved Funkadelic before Clinton; Guttural and seductive funk rock, anxiety driven stuff. Your music is reminiscent of that stuff and so much more ... Evocative and Provocative. Your voice is sharp and incisive, with a faint smoke stain; The resonant strings and the bounce ..."
-Courtney, Myspace friend and fan
"'Blindman's Blues' is beautiful in its simplicity. A great vehicle for your idiosyncratic vocal phrasing. Your phrasing is unlike anyone else, Brig. You go up where most folks go down and down where most go up. That is what makes the vibe hip and fresh and you. I love Chico's acoustic guitar playing throughout. Such a wonderful complement to the programmed beats. It helps the music strike a balance and again, keeps it contemporary. I'm way proud of what you've accomplished with these songs and can't wait to hear the rest! "
-Boston Fielder of Muthawit Band and the Urb Alt movement
"'Brig Feltus' music is easily worthy of being a grand soundtrack for the more vivid aspects or periods in anyone's personal life. I look forward to hearing her music on 'The L word'. It's a perfect fit," shares another DreamTeam member.
Brig Feltus is an indie darling with high interest from the circuit. Her team promises many forthcoming surprises and interesting partnerships. More information can be found at
Contact information:
Daz or Hannibal
pr @
Subculture - J*Davey
I love the fuzzy pink neon flair J*Davey's vibe carries so flagrantly. A male electronica pixie and a fly girl with a mohawk. I'm loving the archetypal potential they present us with.
Shockingly, Warner Bros loves their vibe as well and their album draws near to us via a Major Label, despite the fact that J*Davey is innovative, and non-formulaic...
Wow. I guess somebody woke up. Maybe other labels will follow and we can put the 'dark times' of unoriginal vice-ridden music behind us.
Download their free, extremely slammin' mixtape by clicking the very real symbolism J*Davey has graciously provided to enlighten current society via mirror image...
Google them for interesting vids pon the net that include a non-corny danceoff between the singing lead and Ellen Degeneres, a very odd music video, and other goodies that promise to chase away the boredom bug.
Visit their ether lair beyond the digital daisy fields ~~~~~~~*
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Okay. Let me get this straight. You want a statue of Dr. King to be carved by whom?
update: (Sept 4 07)
In all fairness it should be noted, that the council who came to the decision consists of ten black members and two others of a race unspecified where I came across the info (see: Supernegro's post). I am still disappointed but this knowledge changes my previous understanding dramatically. It would have been beautiful if a black artist was given the position of honoring Dr.King , but we have apparently been a major part of the decision making process, I've recently discovered.
There is much more to this issue than the nationality of the artist (note: I consider Chinese people to be people of color and in all reality Dr. King was very much an advocate of unity that transcends race) the most problematic factor is that the Chinese workers who will actually be doing the carving are not even given the proper safety tools in a fashion that is akin to slave labor. It's unacceptable, and shocking considering Dr. King's dedication to fighting for civil rights.
I am of mixed feeling on this, and I still lean in my originally stated direction.
All of the facts need to be presented, and this bit of info was extremely relevant.
Electronic Village has brought an issue of concern to the attention of the Afrosphere.
Apparently, a statue of Dr. Martin Luther King is to be built, and though Dr. King was a black man, members of his community have not be granted the honor of paying homage to him by carving the granite for this monument. Not even a US citizen has been asked. The commission is proposed to be handled by China.
I kid you not.
Not one monument has been carved by a person of Kemetian descent but I would at least have thought such a thing would be different where the monuments honoring Black Leaders are concerned. Interesting. I mean all this time I thought things had changed...if even a little.
Is this yet another subliminal message for the black community by those 'in power'?
I mean seriously... Is the potential of the Black Community so threatening that the intent to push the idea of 'second class citizenship' onto our community's image going to be a perpetual one?
Equality is necessary to the sanity of all cultures. Rigging the perceived progress of any culture really cannot go on. Racism is nothing more than classism.
Also consider this quote from Electronic Village:
The granite to be used for King's sculpture will be harvested using slave labor--Chinese workers are not even provided masks to protect their lungs from the silica dust. They die in droves because the Chinese government considers them just as important as the students who protested in Tienamen Square. The world watched the tanks roll over them. No human rights, No civil rights, and yet the honor of sculpting Dr. Martin Luther King?
I think I'll leave this entry where it is for now and sign the petition against this slap in the face, because blogging while angry is ill-advised.
You'll find more information from Electronic Village.
Click the black daisy to visit that dimension.
Mirash Davis has the presence of a Kemetian Goddess. Seriously. She's breathtaking as well as life-giving. See more pictures by visiting Yaye Marieba. Click the chartreuse daisy for her zone.
Subculture- Janelle Monae
Janelle Monae's innovative dimension will be shared with the masses very shortly via her album's first Metropolis 'Suite', The Chase. Dig the fly archetypal consciousness her aura is beaming. Keep an eye out for the album.
Click the Black daisy to visit her sphere ~~~~~~~~~~*
China Attempts to Regulate Reincarnation?
Talib Ear Drum Preview
If you haven't acquired EarDrum yet (released 8.21), check the official Myspace Listening Party hosted by Pete Rock.
Click the Black Daisy ~~~~~~~~~*
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Grassroute- Black August
Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Saigon, Dead Prez, DJ D-Nice, and DJ Evil Dee headline the Black August event this year, which takes place at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square on August 26th.
Black August celebrates and supports the efforts of our freedom fighters who have faced persecution, slander and the silencing of imprisonment, in efforts to assure civil rights for people of color in a country that supposedly believes all 'men' are equal.
For more info regarding the event click the red rose, and say a little prayer for the Freedom Fighters, incl. Mumia Abu Jamal.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Modern Shaman - Reality Check for Lucid Dreamers
Sincerely diggin' on this reality check for Lucid Dreamers.
In the tradition of the 'Am I dreaming or awake?' reality check utilized by training Lucid Dreamnauts, the following reality check utilizes walking through a threshold to cue your self question regarding whether you're dreaming or awake throughout the day.
This is, I think, a splendid technique.
Find more Dreamnaut material at the Curious Bazaar.
Click the Indigo Moondust **********
The Modern Shaman - Essence Energy
The essence of energy is chi in its various forms. Healing with different forms of herb/plant life, color and stones can be achieved with the physical manifestations as well as through the direct essence of the energy via meditation as well as through the healing ray of heart chakras hand healing methodologies (ie. Pranic healing, Reiki, etc...). A distance attunement has been created that makes it easier to access a more complete level of the healing essence in any given manifest or
known thing. Operating only in a balanced capacity, Essence Energy healing utilizes direct Chi, and other benefits of inherent essential energies in specific energy patterns and forms. The attunement has been made available to several healers beginning with the Kemetian lineage of Dazjae (contact TheCuriousBazaar for available healers of authentic Essence Energy lineage).
For more information on receiving an essence energy healing, contact: TheCuriousBazaar at
Pricing is set to be affordable so it is helpful to more than a privileged few.
Grammy Award Nominated Producer Chico Bennett And Indie Darling Brig Feltus Launch Captive Libertine Label
Grammy award winning Chico Bennett and Indie Darling Brig Feltus have announced the launch of Captive Libertine Recordings, LLC. Their first release, Brig Feltus' debut 'Love and Light Vol.1', is slated for Sept. 4 among major retailers statewide. The duo express that creatively organic intention and natural affinity are ingredients in the glue that has formed the bond.
Brought together by Seal's former manager, Rebecca Mostow, Chico and Brig began their friendship while collaborating to write several songs for one of Rebecca's artists. They quickly realized their artistic compatibility and the rest as they say is history, as a real and lasting friendship began to form.
Brig advises she has an intuition about such things, believing that all paths that cross her own have a purpose. She's very attentive to those crossings when they occur. Chico considers the process that has taken place to be a logical one considering the the natural flow within it.
"After that project was over Brig and I continued writing songs. Some targeted for other artists, some came about sitting at her breakfast table. Some little impromptu tidbits, but all really great. At a point, we decided to actually record some of the songs specifically with Brig in mind as the artist. Next thing you know we had a record without a home. Logical idea: build a home!" shares Chico.
The goal of Captive Libertine is to introduce like-minded artists to the music industry.
The symbolism behind the name perhaps say it all. It's described to be a combination of many ideas.
Brig relays its concept is based in being captivated by an experience. The music captivates an audience and inspires the listener, creating a sense of freedom that transcends the former state of mind.
"There are many layers to the symbolism. We really liked the idea of the contrasting ideas being brought together, to celebrate the fact that the truth of all things always lay somewhere in the middle of opposing thoughts. That somewhere between the right and the left is the truth. That somewhere between reality and fantasy lies the truth. That somewhere between beauty and ugliness exists the truth. That even in between pain and pleasure there exists a combination of the two that is what makes us human. We often forget this balance in life, reaching for one extreme polar opposite or another. But life is not really truly about polarity. It is about balance. Restraint and Liberty combined will give one a greater sense of freedom than either extreme ever could," Brig describes.
Chico shares her sentiments. "The concept hinges around the idea that the balancing point between two extremes is the sweet spot. The spot from which all beautiful things emerge. It's also about capturing the spirit of the listener and breaking down pre-existing ideas that might be founded on something that's not quite true or real, and once breaking that ideal, setting the listener free to bath in a wide open pool."
The first release from the Love and Light Vol.1 album is Brig Feltus' single entitled, "Head over heels".
Chico describes this as a lavish musical landscape of liquid guitars, aggressive drums and synths, supporting a siren wailing the laments of someone being in love with love. He advises that there is support for the song in an aesthetically beautiful video and remixes for the track.
The album will follow the release of the single, and is already being compared to Alannis Morrisette, Erykah Badu, Rickie Lee Jones and many others in its eclectically rich elements. Reviewers have heralded it as honest, good music that gets under the skin and transports the listener to another world.
Appreciative listeners range from the r&b/soul fan, to the hiphopper, onto the other end of the spectrum to the punk rocker.
Articles and reviews written have long shared the opinion that Brig Feltus has the power to change the face of things musically. Humbly, Brig suggests that the music industry itself is changing, and naturally the artists to come along will impact this transition while the industry is in a state of flux. She aims for artistic integrity with global distribution in service to the larger goal of honest self exploration, and the support of indie artists. Bennett's band called Stranger Days is something to look for in the not so distant future as well.
"In the long term, I dream of being in a position to support other artists whom I love and admire. Some of them I already have specifically in mind and hope that one day soon, we will be in a position to sign them up."
Chico Bennett has a lengthy bio which includes the work he is well-known for with Prince's Camp, as well as his work with Madonna, The Killers, Usher, Christina Milian, Nelly Furtado and many others. Whether he is writing a song, doing a full on production, developing an artist, or running a label, he always hopes to find the sweet spot between the art and the commerce.
Brig Feltus is an indie darling in the Myspace circuit, whose music has been featured as opening theatre entertainment, as well as been optioned for use on The L Word. Though fairly new to the music industry she has earned respect and credibility for organic artistry that pulls the heart strings, having come from the heart initially. Members of her enormous fan base have dubbed themselves Brigheads, and are comprised of loyal and supportive individuals from many walks of life.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
The Modern Shaman- Complimentary Chakra Balancing Vids
This list is so worth your time. I've done quite a bit of Chakra balancing in my time, but these are the best quick vids I've come across thus far...
Root Chakra Meditation
Emotional Chakra Meditation
Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Heart Chakra Meditation
Throat Chakra Meditation
Third Eye Chakra Meditation
Crown Chakra Meditation
Friday, August 17, 2007
Digital Tools- Ubuntu for Noobs
This post still extends useful intel, but the new Ubuntu 10.4 is even more user-friendly than previous editions. I do hope to add more software links, but you can find alot by searching the add/remove programs, or in Ubuntu 10.4 'Ubuntu Software Center'. Set it to accept all sources and you'll find a plethora of options to download (remember Gimp doesn't automatically come in this edition, you'll have to download it).
If you have questions not answered here, I'm glad to assist when I'm online (a few times a week until the current writ is finished *-* Email: CandyAnomaly at or if you don't mind waiting a bit purplemag at (the mailbox is brimming...).
Though I am a pretty new noob, I've learned some things about Ubuntu that could be of use to other new users. It isn't really as intimidating as it seems, and is mostly a drag and drop kind of program, with the advantage of protecting pc's from viruses that Microsoft refuses to.
The difficulty only comes in when codecs are required to use non-Linux based software. This is because Linux, the non-greed dimension of software, would have to have licensing to include Windows software in its releases.
If I'm misinformed let me know...but I think I'm correct in my understanding.
As an Ubuntu OS noob you'll want the following software programs to make your Ubuntu experience as easeful as possible (it is a warm and fuzzy experience)
* Ubuntu releases new versions every 6 months. Installing updates regularly (daily/weekly) is risky and can contain coding errors that sometimes crash your system. Proceed with caution until this is perfected. You can upload backup files to sites like in case you have a problem and need to start from scratch. allows you to order free discs of its OS but you can also download from the site and burn the program (ISO image) to disc. You can thank the owner of Ubuntu for making it as graphically lovely and opensource feature abundant as it is. He's a millionaire (billionaire?) who has decided to donate alot of his money to world service. Bless his heart.
*You can dual-boot really easily and keep your Windows programs for now, if you only want to test the waters or are say... a professional graphic designer who needs to use adobe programs and doesn't want to use the Wine windows emulator.
This tutorial is by far the easiest to comprehend, out there:
* Wine can be installed for free to run Windows apps on Ubuntu, but Codeweavers offer a 60.00 version that is said to be a more developed version of its Wine predecessor. They also allow people to read their source (code)like Wine.
*Mplayer is the way to go to get multimedia playing. It is in your 'Add remove/programs' directory under 'Applications'.
Install both the desktop version and codec for your Firefox browser. It is a must for watching multimedia.
Below (in red) there are commands you can cut and paste (paste is located under the 'edit' menu) into terminal (in your applications/accessories menu) to ensure you have needed codecs. Check the laws in your area to be sure they're allowed.
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
The above works ridiculously well and easily. It installs java (which you will need) without the headache, along with other needed programs.
Gstreamer packages:
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.
* If you must go into 'Terminal'(Applications menu- Accessories), you can cut and paste commands found in internet tutorials to prevent keying errors.
*There are Ubuntu video tutorials available 'pon the net that will come up in search.
*You can run Gimp (free Adobe Photoshop-like graphic manipulation program with vid tutorials on the net). You can also run Xnview, though installing Wine (mentioned here) and installing the Windows version of Xnview is advised for now. Xnview is an incredibly useful suite. I love Irfanview but Xnview has outdone them. Ultraviolet Underground must recommend both Gimp and Xnview, as Xnview makes changing Dpi much simpler than Gimp, and both can help balance the other's areas that could use an upgrade. Gimp rivals Photoshop with ease. Check for an online layers program like Gimp that you don't have to download.
*You can run Scribus for your Desktop Publishing needs. It is in your add/remove programs under the 'Applications' menu like Gimp and OpenOffice.
*Openoffice can be run and is usually loaded. It opens word programs and others as well as saves in those formats as well as in .pdf
*Soundconverter is found in add/remove programs and converts .ogg files to .MP3.
Find the .MP3 codec by running a search through the Soundconverter program.
*Learn how to run XP with Virtualbox software, see Edgyrootstudios on youtube (they also have wonderful Gimp tutorials). Virtualbox Tutorial
note: Most photoshop tutorials can essentially teach you Gimp, as they both work with layers and as long as the layer you want to work on is highlighted, you can use your selected tools and tool options (bottom window of Gimp), as in photoshop. Play with the tools to see what they do and also see or for help. You can easily create workable layers by cutting and pasting from 'new' or opened images, after you select them, cut and paste them into your chosen layers... You can also find many brushes for Gimp and easily add them in your File-preferences-folders-brushes window and search for a folder with unzipped brush selections as you can make as many folders as you like (same for patterns by entering the pattern folder instead of the brushes folder). You can make your own brushes with an image and scriptfu. Change scale and dpi in 'Scale Image'- change dpi under the x and y box. 300 dpi is good for print. 72 dpi is good for web.
An essential tutorial approaches...
*Ubuntu detects most peripherals but if not, you can add a printer by clicking on System, then Administration and from the Printer area you can auto detect your plugged in printer and make it a default. If you have a snazzy scanner this can also be utilized easily without an additional driver apparently, making it possible to use a scanner program that doesn't come with your scanner. I believe mine came with Xsane scanner, but you can always add/remove it if your Ubuntu version does not automatically have it.
*If you have a weird issue re-installing your Ubuntu software and typing /dev/zero doesn't delete old files to restore you harddrive for a fresh install, you can place a windows bootdisk or OS (most will work) into the drive and select format or delete, so the old partitions are deleted, then re-install Ubuntu without hassle.
*You find most programs in add/remove but be sure to have it set to 'all available applications'.
There is a DVD burner for data and also one for making dvd's fit 4.7 GB discs for archival.
You can also utilize Soundconverter and Serpentine CDburner for your musical needs. Honestly most Linux programs provide your needs for no cost with more ease of locating them than Windows.
*For Video editing try: Avidemux (Type the name in Add/remove or Synaptic, though Add/remove is easier the newer you are to the Linux lifestyle).
*For the ability to unzip .rar files you can enter this command line code into terminal:
# apt-get install unrar
sudo aptitude install unrar
More info here:
Basically, everything you need is available for free...
You've made the right choice.
I believe the rest of things in the world will follow suit.

You can have your cake and eat it too.
This blog post will be updated as I come across more information. Ubuntu is a joy ride. It boots up quickly and runs apps without errors. It doesn't have any virus issues. I feel like my privacy is assured.
Windows-maker Microsoft has proven they could care less about the consumer, leaving wide open gaps in their kernels for hacks to easily access that suddenly disappear when someone notices...suspect (see zdnet and search for the recent article)...
I'm a very happy girl and wish you the same happiness.
The Modern Shaman- The Tao of Pooh
I was flustered and running to and fro in an effort to save time and get everything done
when the Tao of Pooh caught my eye about a third of the way down a neglected book pile.
Buy this book.
~available at most all retailer locations~
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Indiefied- Willoughby
Gritty, funky dream dwellers Willoughby induce trances with summer rain conjuring daydream kissed tracks that have known the embrace of Sgt. Pepper and sat under mushrooms where giant caterpillars spouted hookah influenced wisdoms...
Visit their cloud, after sipping a brew infused with this digital moonflower ~~~~~~~~~(*
Digital treat:
Enjoy a video moment with the dream invokers...
Subcultural Splendor- Veen's Steampunk
Veen is the delightful and odd guru master sage of Steampunk apparel. Already one of the elite, Veen shines her starlight for the fashion challenged, with the spirit of sharing inspiration wrapped in the vitality of creativity and thrift shop radar. I am loving Steampunk.
Veen is doing it very well.
I've enclosed more photos than usual because her style is ridiculously slick.
Follow the trail of black glitter to her underground lair