Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Am I Not Human: Haiti needs Doctors, The West Sends Soldiers

To date I still haven't wrapped my mind around the devastation the people of Haiti have experienced and seek to heal from. I've made time for the most part daily to send Reiki, prayer, and love over the ethers, hoping it makes even some difference to my human/Haitian siblings struggling to meet the terms of survival in a land impoverished by colonialist agendas and unjust debts, and now the addition of a new highly suspect military occupation it's claimed has arrived to 'help' control lawlessnes and such, when in reality, true help would be medically-related, food-related, etc...

I don't believe in military-occupation. Depopulation-101 tells us historically that most of the 'rebel-based' wars and chaos have been funded by Western interests, no matter who they are able to talk into selling their souls to carry out 'the deeds'. String-pullers are stringpullers.
Our president has even called on historical enemies of Haiti (with serious emphasis on Clinton's past actions) for 'help' (what kind of help, we don't know), which further insults what the survivors of this devastating earthquake --that we're still not sure wasn't influenced by military-drilling/ HAARP 'testing' in the Caribbean-- have in front of them to endure as it is, without the addition of greed/cruelty-influenced interference.

To avoid the crippling kind of anger, I've chosen to look at this as a further opportunity for the world's common-folk to open their eyes to the realities that surround us. If I allow myself to become discouraged, or deeply cynical, my energy will mean nothing in a world that needs folks to shine their lights.
The simple act of refusing to face chaos/hidden chaos-stirring at the hands of government with naive eyes can be the only reason these lessons are appearing on such a large scale.

I won't lecture on the importance of doing something. You already know the importance of action. I will instead hope that you keep your mind open, if it isn't already, to the possibility that very sinister plans are at work to further destabilize Haiti, and keep in mind, voices that refuse to turn a cheek, and know the power of raising awareness (especially when awareness goes viral) can change the world, and in this instance mean the world to the reconstruction and healing of Haiti.

For my human siblings in Haiti struggling to survive, now faced with the concerns a Western military presence poses, while Doctors and aid have had a hard time getting their goodwill to the survivors they wish to extend it to... I ask:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Digital Gems- The DollDaze, JDavey

The heart swells for the ether-blessers we take in with grateful sighs, whilst gems of the Purple variation gleam, mid-polish, in the lab.

TheDollDaze, my new sonic superheroine's current EP has me singing along, on the regular [in public, no less, without qualm... which is something given my tendency toward humming in the shower]. The chic is a superstar [those who caught the earlier txt stream already know my opining regarding her].

Also recommended, JDavey's gratis Boudoir Synema, currently highlit in the halls of URB ALT courtesy of the Maestro Boston Fielder.

Click the covers to partake of the sonic blooms ~~~*

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haitians Granted Temporary Protected Status

It is a great relief that swift action was taken to ensure the safety of Haitians living here in the US. This came after an urgent request made by Hillary Clinton and Napolitano that Haitian immigrants be protected under temporary protected status. A request calling for an end to maritime interdictions was made as well.

We should all take a moment to thank the President, and as well as request the enforcement of a suspension of the interdiction policy endangering Haitians at this crucial time.

Props to Electronic Village for the intel

If you're a Reiki energy-medicine healer sending positive energy to Haiti,
tag your texts with #ReikiForHaiti or #PranaForHaiti, #MeditationForHaiti and so forth. Positive energy makes a difference.

Related intel at PurpleMag satellite Otherbox:

Friday, January 15, 2010

For the Dreamers

(This is one of those rare occasions when I will reference the Bluebird's sometimes censorous search)

We all needed him, for dreams that had to be realized, and for the courage to manifest more.

Playing around with a new Greensteam (Afro-Asiatic eco-based steampunk) image... possibly banner material

Peace and glowing salutations heartlights <3

Playing around with an as yet uncolored Greensteam image (above- possibly banner material). More on the way within time-management parameters of course. I'm striving to keep posts coming, as well as maintain at least peek-a-head-in type presence at the beloved social networks; ahem: the legendary BSFS, the newly discovered Steampunk Empire, and the long-time microblog sanity saver Friendfeed...).
A new banner is long overdue (as is a custom layout...). Fingers crossed we'll get these things organized sooner than later. With the digicam transitioned to the next realm we're relying on the local printer to scan images for issue 9 and other projects, while we work on a replacement.

More greensteam is en route.
The Wonderdark review copy is laced with it, for instance (and there are plans for a book 2). Peep some of the imagist-lacing via the wonderpen of dearest Scritch's interpretations of Loomcity, Zambarau.

Don't forget to glance to the left and enjoy the new satellite's Otherbox feeds. We're joined there by the gem-abundant minds of Dollmatic, Bassa Girl, Terry Juku, Sir Robert Trujillo a.k.a Tres, and Plantfolk's Inspired Sis <3

Shine bright

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

(Unfortunately delayed) Am I Not Human: Wilt-petaled bloom

The 26th of November was troublesome for me. I'm dedicated to publishing an Am I Not Human? campaign post on the 27th every month. Like clockwork. I resented the power cord for dying and rendering my pc useless until I could replace it. Major companies wanted at least 69.99 for a 'universal' model I wasn't sure would work, and they advised they couldn't test it in advance because they didn't have demo models. In the end I opted for ebay and found one for 10. Mark-ups are funny aye?. This meant at least a week's wait due to the seller's location. The library was closed, and the internet cafe in town folded earlier last year. I was smartphone-less (I've since commenced shopping for one), and I
I had to make myself content with handwriting my offering.
Thankfully Mom came to the rescue and posted a notice about what was going on and that my post would be delayed. Everything happens for a reason. I want to thank all of you who were able to post and raise awareness to the many human rights causes in need of more voices.

My belated offering for December is short. Some months I'll be posting an artistic message (much like the Am I Not Human artivism issue). I encourage artists out there to do the same. It can capture attention and help remind folks how easily freedoms can be taken. We should never get too comfortable and forget our human siblings who had the rugs taken from under them. We are one, despite illusion.

Wilt-Petaled Bloom

To eat from your cupboards and leave nothing
To salt your lands and poison the sea
To twist your view of spirituality
so as to alter your recognition of Divinity

These are not acts come from humanity
but hollow-conscienced seeds of depravity
grown into mind-clouding grains arranged
in ciphered dining options
upon the plates of the unwitting
Blooms not fit for consumption
strewn in salads of the genetically modified,
carefully coiffed tortured beasts and their clones.
Seeds making for themselves a hollow home,
when grown and consumed.
Stealing logic, choking air from the heart.
Making the silblings of the tormented forget,
that they're related, and probably next;
if these wilted petals continue to decorate world display
masquerading as 'premium offering'
so few seem still-willing to renounce, for
all the amnesia that has taken us.

For my siblings in lands looted; deprived of rightful resources ripped from its girth, barred from technology, or unable to speak on their own behalf for the stifling force of puppet-tyrants pulled by hidden strings leading to another power, I ask:

Thankyou for reading.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The new Otherbox feed

Peace Heartlights *_^

We're experimenting with a new feed for the Otherbox satellite tumblr in the lefthand sidebar. I'll be returning with posts now that the pc glitch has been resolved. This includes the Am I Not Human? campaign post I handwrote but was unable to publish on the 27th of December due to said glitch.

Your thoughts are welcome, and your patience, most definitely appreciated <3

Shine Bright.
More to come.