Saturday, September 15, 2007

Join the Virtual March for Jena 6

To Join the Virtual March click here

The Virtual March Press Release
(This release will be available September 19, 2007--- Please link to it, digg it and add it to your online bookmarks to increase visibility and participation for the Virtual March)

Not everyone has the means to attend the March on September 20th for the Jena 6, so a Virtual march is being coordinated online as a show of solidarity and support.
Even the smallest show of support can make tremendous difference to the movement seeking justice for Jena 6 and true equality in the living experience of African-Americans and people of color in this country, and globally. A press release will follow, and the link will be included here as an update. For now and even after the date of commencement for the Virtual march for Jena 6' on September 20th you can sign up as a participant in the comment section of this blog entry.

How to participate:

Take a photo of yourself holding a 'Free Jena 6' or 'Pardon the Jena 6' sign.
You can make the sign out of available materials in a simple or elaborate style according to your means and intent.
If possible wear black in this photo to coordinate with the efforts of the 'Color of Change' March taking place on September 20, 2007 in Jena Louisiana. The final step is to post these pictures to your blogs, preferably in a sidebar or constantly visible spot on your site. These photos should remain until true justice is served in the Jena 6 case. See the sidebar for more information and updates on the Jena 6 case.

Thankyou for your time and consideration.

For those who can make it to the Color of Change March on September 20th visit them for more details:

Also please read this excellent blog post from Electronic Village regarding the coming rally and Barack Obama's speaking out on Jena 6, while Hillary Clinton has remained silent (she won't get my vote). [see correction below]


correction: Apparently Hillary has spoken on Jena 6. See the comment section of this post for the link.


Anonymous said...

this whole thing is crazy i thought the whole racism thing has dies down but i guess not the charges on all the boys should be dropped && the people who put them boys in jail should go to jail themselfs i pray 4 the familys of the jena 6

Derrick said...

I've posted a link to this post both on my Jena 6 page, and in my latest post.

While I'm not voting for Clinton (she wasn't tops on my list to begin with, then after she said she wouldn't go into Darfur, that was it), I was just reading today about her comments on the Jena 6 at an event.

As a matter of fact she has this on her website:

As vocal on it as Obama, perhaps not; but silent is not accurate.

PurpleZoe said...

Thankyou for visiting and commenting Shantel. I hope you'll join the Virtual March and stand for these brothers.


Thanks for the heads up Yobachi. I posted a correction in the original post leading them to the link you've posted in the comments.


Derrick said...

Oh by the way Zoe, you're pretty hot!

PurpleZoe said...



Thanks Yobachi. I didn't see that one coming. Your not at all hard on the eyes yourself.

Derrick said...


Blackamazon said...

its up!

Anthony Kennerson said...

And I've now added mine...
