Saturday, September 8, 2007

Um Congress... Are you in bed with him or what? IMPEACH!

He stole the presidency, twice.
He launched a criminal war.
Now he's revealed himself again with arrogant admission of his true goal in Iraq:

MSNBC reports...

So which presidential candidate is he expecting will come through and maintain an indefinite presence in Iraq?


Saladin said...

"So which presidential candidate is he expecting will come through and maintain an indefinite presence in Iraq?"

The sad thing is, most of them will keep troops there anyway. How many candidates would actually do a full withdrawl? Kucinich? Ron Paul? It's like late Vietnam -- everyone trying to get elected says "what a horrible war", "what a terrible increase in executive power". But if Hillary gets elected, is she going to stop using us troops to make an empire? Her husband did it, and she's to the right of him! If Obama gets elected is he going to reverse all of the insane powers and privelges Bush created for the President? Hell no. I hope none of us ends up putting too much faith in whichever Bush Lite tupe ends up in office.

PurpleZoe said...

Thanks for visiting ^_^

It's a damn shame. I would blame the people but the fact is there have been ALOT of protests, and a grand amount of petition signing. They've gone largely ignored.
It's more than time to revamp the system.
This is not to suggest that I have any ingenious ideas to offer right now but my mind is working on it...